Chapter 29

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Both the entangled Y/N and Naoto are transported into this woodland area via the photo-negative barrier. However, Y/N is still getting shocked while the barrier drops him several feet in the air. It's only when the hostage crashes onto the ground that his electrocution abruptly ends.

Y/N: "Oww..."

Naoto: "Y/N...!"

After rushing to his side, Naoto helps Y/N stand back up with Y/N idly straightening himself.

Y/N: "Thanks."

Naoto: "No problem."

The two look around the place they're in now as Y/N comments.

Y/N: "Looks like we're in the woods."

Naoto: "Seems like it..."

Y/N: "Don't know if System places us in a different spot or not."

Naoto: "Yeah, me neither..."

There's a moment of silence between them. Wanting to resume the conversation about trusting contestants like Mitsuru and Akihiko, Naoto tries to bring it up.

Naoto: "So, uh, Y/N... about the-"

But the hostage speaks over him as he remarks.

Y/N: "Guess we'll have to keep going forward. There's gotta be a checkpoint here."

Naoto: "Huh? Oh, right. Let's get to it."

Nodding to that, Y/N marches off while Naoto follows after him. Mentally sighing to himself, Naoto questions why Y/N is so adamant about not trusting contestants like them. Though, he decides to comply for now and bring up the conversation later on. They walk along this dirt path for what felt like hours when in reality, it's been several minutes. No matter how much they search, they keep finding nothing in this area.

Y/N: "Nothing around here."

Naoto: "Nothing unusual here either. Geez, it's all trees and bushes."

Y/N: "I mean, it is a forest of some sort."

Walking alongside with him, Naoto sighs.

Naoto: "Man... it's been a while since we last came across a checkpoint."

Y/N: "Other than that time we found one when stumbling upon Rachel and her familiars."

Naoto: "Yeah, well it was a long while ago since we visited there."

Y/N: "And your point is...?"

Naoto: "If this is supposed to be orienteering, couldn't they have given us a map or something? It'd make things a whole lot smoother."

Y/N: "While I do like that idea, I don't think it will happen anytime soon. And even if it did happen, that damn voice would likely tamper with the maps just to screw with us."

Naoto: "I... I guess so. Man, I'm really in deep on this whole stamp rally thing, huh..."

Y/N: "Well, there's no turning back now."

Naoto: "Afraid so. Just need to move forward and collect the stamps.

He then pondered about Celica and Minerva out loud.

Naoto: "I wonder if Celica has any new stamps..."

Wanting to lighten the mood a bit, the entrapped Y/N replies back.

Y/N: "Maybe she has. And if she can do it, then so can you, Naoto. Who knows... we might come across her and Minerva sooner or later."

Naoto: "Heh. Probably yeah."

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