Chapter 1

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[A/N: Sorry for the late publishing of this chapter. I went through a bad fever, but now I'm feeling better. Other than that, hope you all enjoy reading this.]


As soon as the female voice announces this "tournament," the bright white light disappears as four certain girls are now lying on the ground, eyes closed and not moving an inch. Not a moment later, each of them slowly opened their eyes and moved steadily.

Ruby: "H-Huh...?"

Rubbing her eyes and now just sitting on her spot, the red-hooded girl scans her area to discover her teammates nearby.

Ruby: "Guys...?"

Yang rubbing her head gently, Blake shaking her head off from whatever fuzziness still lingering, and Weiss placing a hand on her forehead as she asks.

Weiss: "Ugh, where... where are we?"

Steadily returning to their usual awareness, the rest of the team look at their surroundings, utterly puzzled at what they're looking at.

Blake: "I

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Blake: "I... I don't know... Weiss... never seen this place before..."

Ruby: "Did something happen to us?"

Yang: "Hold on... we're not wearing our pajamas!"

The girls look at themselves to find Yang to be correct as they're now wearing their signature combat outfits along with their weapons.

Ruby: "Ah! You're right!"

Weiss: "What on Remnant is going on here?!"

Blake: "This is getting strange and I'm not liking this."

Yang: "No kidding. Wait... if we're here, then where's-"

Before she can finish, they hear someone moaning in pain. The teammates' eyes all fall upon a large rock close by. They share a quick look before slowly getting up from their spots and approach it step by step. The moment they swiftly peek over the rock, they are surprised to see who it is, lying on the ground.

Ruby: "Y/N!"

What surprises them more is Y/N is also wearing his usual battle outfit, his Grimm Slayer sheath tightly on his back, and his torso (including his arms) being tied up by the number of red rope-like wires. Regaining consciousness, Y/N groans out.

Y/N: "Augh, my head..."

As the girls walk around the rock to approach Y/N, he slowly returns to awareness as his eyes shift to his teammates.

Y/N: "Girls...? What are you doing here?"

Weiss: "We want to know the same thing as well."

Yang: "We'll help you get up, babe."

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