Chapter 34

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Heading deeper into the rural town, Naoto and the ensnared Y/N make their way to the town's food court where they take a short break.

Naoto: "Phew... okay... that should be far enough now."

Y/N: "Can't imagine we'll run into any of them again."

Naoto: "I guess so. But damn, this world is a mess. Every other person I meet is out for blood. I'm really getting tired of all this."

Y/N: "Out for blood, confused, frustrated, or anything in between. Or just being violent because they can."

Naoto: "That guy Azrael, especially... he might be the worst one of all."

Y/N: "Yeah, he sees any fight as a feast for himself."

Naoto: "His build, his numbers, his tenacity... really not the guy we want hunting us down."

Y/N: "Good thing he's preoccupied with the fight back there to chase us."

Naoto: "Why can't I run into a decent human being for a change...?"

Y/N: "I mean, you did met my teammates and people a while ago."

Naoto: "I know, but like someone else who actually has a lick of sen-"

All of a sudden, a red burly man lands right in front of them.

The sudden appearance of this individual catches them off guard, especially Naoto

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The sudden appearance of this individual catches them off guard, especially Naoto.

Naoto: "Gyaaaaagh!!!"

Y/N: "...!?" ("The hell?! Tager!")

Tager lets out a sigh as Naoto remarks out loud.

Naoto: "Dammit! First a tank and now this!? Dude's built like a brick shithouse! Why do I have such bad luck!?"

Tager: "Settle down. I don't know what happened to you to make you so jumpy, but we can't have a conversation with you screaming at me."

Naoto: "O-Oh... sorry. It's just... nearly everyone we met has tried to attack us out of nowhere so..."

Tager: "I'm not going to do that. So breathe."

As instructed, Naoto starts breathing in and out for a moment or two before saying.

Naoto: "Haaah... Man, you have no idea what a relief this is. It'll be nice to finally have a decent, human conversation." 

Approaching Tager, the ensnared Y/N remarks.

Y/N: "Didn't expect to see you again, Tager."

Tager: "Likewise... uh, Y/N, right?"

Y/N: "Yeah."

Naoto: "Hold on, you two know each other?"

Tager: "We only encounter each other once."

Y/N: "And it's with one of my teammates."

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