Chapter 3

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Team RWBY along with the still tied-up Y/N resume their travel to this "world" that the announcer has placed them in. Walking across various places like an empty lakeside port, tropical shrine, rail station, and even a convenience store. Of course, Ruby places the red keystone inside of her pocket for safekeeping. And while Y/N is getting used to walking around with these red rope-like wires on him, he does try to break free from it every now and then, but no luck. As they travel to whatever direction they're going, the team searches for any noteworthy locations that may hold another keystone for them to retrieve. Weiss checks the bushes, Yang lifts up the fairly large rocks, and Blake check inside of lonesome trees. Unfortunately, they find nothing for a while. Their team leader also rummages through some bushes and vegetation. 

Ruby: "And... nope. Nothing over here."

Weiss: "Ugh, no matter where we look, we find nothing."

Blake: "Seems to me that our only chance to find the other keystones is by finding the other combatants."

Yang: "And that means we may end up fighting them if they do have it or just trying to take ours."

Y/N: "But let's try talking things out first before it comes to that, right Ruby?"

Ruby: "That's true. I rather that we don't start brawling with those people right off the bat."'

Yang: "Well, whatever happens, I'll be there to take them down if they try anything funny."

As she said this, the smirking Yang starts shadow-boxing the air as a tiny bit of training for her. With a small smile, Y/N comments.

Y/N: "I'm glad one of us is still remaining positive despite our situation."

Yang: "Thanks, babe."

Weiss: "Regardless, I think it's best we should preserve our energy in the meantime."

Blake: "Yeah, wouldn't want us to get exhausted if we end up in a fight?"

Weiss: "Which means quit punching the air, Yang."

The blonde just shrugs it off.

Yang: "Aw come on, this is just a bit of warm-up so whatever match we end up in starts with a 'Yang'. Eh? Eeeh?"

Hearing her pun, her teammates just groan over it. Y/N watches as Yang and Weiss discuss the idea of warm-ups in a situation like theirs as Y/N can't help but feel glad Yang is trying to lighten the mood with her pun.

Y/N: ("Although, I wonder why she's eager to fight someone. Especially when we don't know who we might run into. Still, I believe in her, just like I'll believe that we'll get out of here. I will ask her about it later on, though.)

This is when Ruby's voice chimes in, which gets all of their attention.

Ruby: "Guys, let's focus on the task at hand. We may have won one fight, but we're still left in the dark when it comes to everything else."

Blake: "So... we should ask for information?"

Y/N: "Okay, I'll like the sound of that."

Yang: "But what if they aren't willing to do that?"

Weiss: "Especially when our last encounter with these participants are just as lost as we are. Not to mention that we can't exactly trust this 'announcer' and her words."

Female Announcer: "How rude. I'm over here offering you all support whenever I can."

Y/N: "Giving us support? Hah, yeah right."

Blake: "On what exactly?"

Female Announcer: "Like hyping things up when a tag battle occurs."

Yang: "That's not the support we're talking about."

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