Chapter 12

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After some walking for several minutes, Ruby and the entangled Y/N are greeted with a small town that is just as desolate as the other places they have been to. It's not as breathtaking as the previous locations they visit but they agree to walk through it.

Y/N: "Well, it's not as large as that city we visit."

Ruby: "Even so, gotta stay on our toes for any potential ambush."

Y/N: "Got it."

As they stroll through what looks like to be a connivence store and other small buildings close by, Y/N scan their surroundings, hoping that they don't run into any contestants that are just looking for a fight.

As they stroll through what looks like to be a connivence store and other small buildings close by, Y/N scan their surroundings, hoping that they don't run into any contestants that are just looking for a fight

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 All while Ruby is contemplating to herself about their current situation.

Ruby: ("I'm still a little worried about the keystones and well... everything else, but that can't stop me from collecting them. Everyone is counting on me. Weiss, Blake, Yang, Y/N. I need to believe in them and keep going... for our sake!")

While the team leader is lost in her thoughts, the bodiless voice attempts to get Ruby's attention.

Female Announcer: "Heeeey, Ruby... Ruby... Ruuuuby?"

Getting a bit exasperated with the voice, the tied-up Y/N speaks up.

Y/N: "What the hell do you want from us?"

Female Announcer: "Sorry, but I'm trying to speak to Ruby at the moment. So, can you be quiet for a bit, okay? Cool."

As much as Y/N wants to retort back to her, he forces himself to remain composed as he doesn't want to get shocked when Ruby is right next to him. Not to mention the potential danger that may lurk within this food court they're currently strolling by. He lets out a sigh and lets the voice try to speak to Ruby.

Female Announcer: "Ruby...? Heyyyy, Ruby!? Are you listening!?"

Finally, Ruby snap back to awareness and even gets startled by the voice.

Ruby: "Gah! Oh, uh, what?"

Female Announcer: "I just want to say that you're finally down to the last keystone, Ruby! Isn't that great!?"

Both Y/N and Ruby share a quick look before the team leader answers.

Ruby: "Y-Yeah..."

Y/N: "What are you getting at?"

Female Announcer: "Oh, nothing at all. I'm merely congratulating her and offering my support and... oh, oh, oh! Over there, over there! Are those people? Gasp! Perfect timing!"

Y/N: "Did she... did she really just say 'gasp'?"

Ruby: "I think so. W-Wait, there's people here?!"

They turn their gaze to spot two individuals a good distance away from them. From the looks of it, they seem to be wearing some sort of school uniform that they have never seen before. While a guy is wearing some headphones. 

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