Chapter 22

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Whisk away by System away from his two teammates, the tied-up Y/N is teleported to a woodland area. 

Though, the photo-negative barrier just drops him several feet in the air as he crashes onto the ground, right in front of a conspicuous-looking house

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Though, the photo-negative barrier just drops him several feet in the air as he crashes onto the ground, right in front of a conspicuous-looking house.

System: "Alright, I'm just going leave you here for a while. And whether you run into a bloodthirsty contestant who wants to pummel you or not... well, I'll just leave it to luck so, stay here and behave, okay?"

Trying to recover from that fall, the infuriated Y/N slowly lifts up his head to hisses out.

Y/N: "You fucking bitch... I'll-"

But he's interrupted when a quick surge of white electricity bursts out of his red binds, electrocuting him as he loudly winces in pain.

Y/N: "Auugghh!"

The electrocution ceased just as fast as it started.

System: "I'll take that as a yes! Glad we can agree. See you later!"

And with that, the voice is gone, leaving the ensnared Y/N to lie on the ground, breathing heavily from the pain he just experienced.

Y/N: ("That was.... Way more agonizing than before... damn her...")

His eyes are half-open, and his vision is momentarily blurry. So, he was not expecting an individual to be coming out of the bushes a moment later. Catching a glimpse of this person, Y/N can somewhat recognize who this person is.

Y/N: "Huh?"

What caught his attention the most is the girl's pink hair and the long red ribbon tied to her wrist.

What caught his attention the most is the girl's pink hair and the long red ribbon tied to her wrist

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Quickly approaching him, the girl speaks up with visible concern.

Heart: "Oh no! Are you okay?"

Looking up at the girl, the entrapped Y/N slowly replies.

Y/N: "I'm... not. You're-"

Heart: "Heart! Heart Aino. Don't worry, I sort of remember you. You're uh... Y/N, right?"

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