Chapter 31

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The entangled Y/N and Naoto stroll through the open field for what feels like hours, but it's been several minutes. All they could see were bushes and stones scattered everywhere with no contestants or checkpoints in sight. No matter how much they scan their surroundings, they find nothing noteworthy.

Naoto: "You know... I'm starting to understand what you mean when you say there's more open fields than any other locations."

Walking alongside him, the hostage replies shortly.

Y/N: "I told you."

Naoto: "Were they always this large though?"

Y/N: "Sometimes they are."

The brown-haired guy just exhales.

Naoto: "Well, isn't that great."

Y/N: "We just gotta be patient and hope we run into a checkpoint."

Naoto: "And if we get involved in some sort of fight?"

Y/N: "Then we'll handle it like before?"

This prompts Naoto to raise a brow.

Naoto: "We? Y/N, you're not supposed to be fighting in the first place. Did you forget what System told us?"

Y/N: "I'm fully aware, Naoto."

Naoto: "Then why do you keep doing that? You've done it several times and you get punished for it."

The tied-up Y/N goes silent for a moment before Naoto pleads.

Naoto: "Can you at least tell me...?"

Contemplating and then sighing to himself, Y/N glances at him and responds with a small smirk.

Y/N: "Would you believe me if I said that I did it to spite her?"

Naoto: "Spite her...? You mean System?"

Y/N: "Who else? I mean, she's the reason for my circumstance and this whole situation for even happening."

Naoto: "Well... I can understand that, but... don't you think it's dangerous to keep antagonizing her like this?"

The hostage just scoffs.

Y/N: "Please, she has electrocuted me, dropped me from the air, and had other contestants try to attack me a bunch of times already. At this point, I'm used to it."

The brown-haired guy retorts back.

Naoto: "But that's not something to get used to. You're just hurting yourself in the process."

Y/N: "And if it means provoking her some more, I might as well."

Before Naoto can respond to that, the bodiless voice chimes in.

System: "Oh, really now. Then I suppose you don't mind if I continue your punishment for that last tag battle you interfere, right?"

As she said this, a photo-negative barrier instantly engulfs them both and locks them in place.

Naoto: "W-What the hell?!"

Y/N: "You're going to give me a time out like before?"

System: "You got that right! Blame yourself for being a misbehaving peanut gallery."

Y/N: ("Tch, fucking bitch.")

Naoto: "W-Wait, hold on-"

System: "Nope! You two will be now separated from each other for the time being. Like when a checkpoint's challenge is over or something."

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