Chapter 35

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After exiting that rural town, both Naoto and the tied-up Y/N are walking around what looks like an abandoned encampment of some sort. With buildings and structures they have never seen before. As they do that, fog steadily begins to pour in, though they are more preoccupied with their chit-chatting. 

Naoto: "I know the guy in the suit asked us to leave and all, but I still feel kinda bad about it."

Not wanting him to go back to Adachi and ease his concerns, the hostage remarks.

Y/N: "No worries. I'm sure he can handle himself."

Naoto: "You sure? That guy Azrael was on a whole nother level."

Y/N: "Trust me. Adachi is stronger than he looks. Especially with his power."

Naoto: "You mean his... Persona thing?"

Y/N: "Yeah that. Besides, if things go south, I wouldn't be surprised if he just ran away like we did."

Naoto: "I suppose you're right. At least we no longer have to deal with Azrael anymore."

Y/N: "That's something to be glad about."

Naoto: "Yeah. Guess the best way to thank him will be to reach the goal and send him back to his world..."

Y/N: "Correction, Naoto... you send everyone back to their original worlds."

Naoto: "Oh right. As the saying goes, 'be careful what you wish for'."

Y/N: "Man, I just wish this place wasn't so hot."

Naoto: "Ugh... you're right. Why the hell is it so hot all of a sudden?"

The two look around as the fog begins to form around them, feeling both warm and uncomfortable at the same time.

Y/N: "The humidity just makes it worse."

Naoto: "And this fog! I can't see a damn thing... Did we stumble into a hot spring or something?"

Suddenly, the bodiless voice herself chimes in, no longer startling Naoto anymore, but leaves him with a deadpan look.

System: "Ding ding ding! That's a bingo!"

Naoto: "Wow. You're back."

With a look of bitterness, the hostage comments idly.

Y/N: "Amazing. Just we needed to hear."

Naoto: "So what is it? Not done tormenting us yet?"

System: "Why, I have no idea what you're talking about!"

Y/N: "Oh yeah, like we believe that so easily."

System: "Anyway! You just lucked your way into a really nice place!"

Y/N: "Elaborate already."

System: "This is the checkpoint of comfort and relaxation. Think of it as a bonus stage."

Naoto: "This is one bonus I don't want to collect... So, what's so special about this place?"

System: "You just said it yourself! Hot springs!"

Naoto: "Huh?"

System: "This area is home to a very fancy hot springs resort. That's where the checkpoint's located!"

Y/N: ("Not like we can see where it is through this annoying fog.")

System: "Just kick off your shoes and unwind a little while you're there! There's an outdoor bath, and even some mixed-gender bathing. Eh? Ehhhh?"

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