Chapter 16

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Pitch-black darkness is all Y/N can see. In fact, he's been looking at it for a good while now. Despite this, he is more preoccupied to remain conscious, struggling as he does. 

Y/N: "..."

This is when he starts to hear footsteps, inching closer and closer. Soon enough, the sound of these footsteps is accompanied by the distant voice of a familiar green-haired man.

Hazama: "The Alucard family has so many wonderful toys. Treasures, relics, artifacts... objects of infinite mystery all clasped tightly in their gnarled, undead grasp..."

Y/N: "...!?"

No matter how much Y/N attempt to do, he can't seem to speak up, not a single word coming out of his mouth. All he could do was maintain his consciousness as much as he can and try to listen in to Hazama's voice as he resumed speaking.

Hazama: "Worst of all, Clavis Alucard, Rachel's father, had no idea what he was trying to seal away. What this beautiful little object could really do."

Something blue and shiny catches Y/N's gaze a mere distance away from him as he immediately knew what it is exactly. 

Hazama: "The keystone... it may be small, but this baby has enough power to construct a Phantom Field... a whole world of its very own."

With a brief sigh, the shady man continues further.

Hazama: "Shame this is just a piece of it..."

Not a moment later, Y/N could barely see the silhouette of not only Hazama himself, but the blue keystone as well, being the only bright thing he could see through this darkness he's shrouded in. He ponders how Hazama even got his hand on a keystone in the first place. With a toothy grin, Hazama remarks gleefully.

Hazama: "But, now it's in my hot little hands, it'd be a waste not to do something fun with it

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Hazama: "But, now it's in my hot little hands, it'd be a waste not to do something fun with it."

Before he continues, Hazama places his free hand under his chin.

Hazama: "Ah, but what...? Hmm... oh yeah... there's an idea..."

Suddenly, the darkness around them turns into a white void, much to Y/N's surprise. In spite of that, Y/N could barely see Hazama and the keystone, let alone actually speak to him. Even Hazama himself is unaware of Y/N's presence at all. The man is more focus on the keystone he still has on his hand as he ponders out loud.

Hazama: "Why don't I try connecting it to the Takamagahara system? It too has the power to create worlds, after all."

Y/N: "...?!"

The silent Y/N barely has any clue on what Hazama is even saying, but the only thing that caught his attention is this system he mentioned and having the power to create worlds, similar to XX with the Phantom Field. Other than that, Y/N is more puzzled that Hazama doesn't see him at all, especially since they're not that too far from each other. Nodding to himself happily, the green-haired man remarks once more.

Hazama: "Yeah, I like the sound of that. No idea if I'll be able to connect them in the first place, but... I can give it the ol' college try."

Soon enough, the silhouette of Hazama slowly fades from Y/N's sight with the only thing visible is the blue keystone. Y/N attempts to move from his spot in order to prevent whatever Hazama is planning to do with it, but to no avail as he's stuck in place. He then spots the blue keystone moving and place down, no doubt by Hazama himself, but it would almost seem like the keystone is levitating off his hand.

Hazama: "..."

Not a second later, a flash of bright light is unleashed by the keystone, engulfing both Hazama and the unmoving Y/N. However, it ends just as quick as it appears before their entire surrounding becomes photo-negative for only a few seconds until that ceases too. Before long, the keystone begins pulsing, shining brightly with every second.

Hazama: "Oh? My, my, my..."

Y/N: "...!?!?"

And with those every second, the keystone also changes color. From blue, to purple, to yellow, and then red only to revert back to blue and the pattern continues. In fact, the keystone keeps changing to red and blue more so than the other two colors. Until it's mostly the color red with blue only appearing several more times. 

Hazama: "Uh-oh... that shouldn't be happening. Oh dear, this is not good."

Without any warning, the white void they're in starts to change as well. Like being on a television and it keeps switching into dead air. It only occurs four times in quick succession, until they are greeted with an eerie machine-like object, almost like it's staring back at them. 

Hazama: "Ah!"

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Hazama: "Ah!"

Y/N: "...!?!?"

And in a split second, Y/N's ears are pierced by the sudden loud noises of machinery and electricity, as if something grand and massive is charging up. At the same time, it's followed up by the white void, engulfing his entire vision for a short while, until it slowly fades back into the same pitch-black darkness he's been staring at as he steadily falls into unconsciousness. 

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