Chapter 30

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At present time, Naoto is currently walking through the woodland area, away from the Kitchen Stadium, after being driven out by System. Upon exiting the area, he's greeted with the sight of a hilly valley before him.

Naoto: "Not what I expected to see. Though, climbing up those hills will be more of a pain than climbing down."

He turns to the direction he just came from before letting out a deep sigh before pondering out loud.

Naoto: "I hope Y/N is doing okay back there."

Right on cue, the entangled Y/N appears above him in the air via the photo-negative barrier. Of course, the moment the barrier vanishes, Y/N immediately falls down towards him. However, Naoto quickly notices this and resorts to lightly jumping out of the way as Y/N hits the ground severely.

Y/N: "Ow."

Realizing who almost fell on top of him, Naoto is surprised to see him.

Naoto: "Y-Y/N! You're here!"

The brown-haired guy rushes over to assist the hostage to get back on his feet as he comments.

Naoto: "Sorry, I didn't catch you. You kinda caught me off-guard."

Y/N: "It's fine. I figure System would drop me several feet in the air."

Naoto: "I know. Didn't even give a warning or anything?"

Y/N: "Heh, sounds about right."

Naoto: "So, what happened when you were in the Kitchen Stadium? What did you see?"

Straightening himself, Y/N answers back.

Y/N: "Let's just keep moving and I'll tell you about it."

Before Naoto can respond, Y/N starts walking to the hilly valley.

Naoto: "Alright then."

He follows after Y/N as he then walks side by side with him. Y/N then explains the Kitchen Stadium's challenge that he spectated.

Naoto: "A cook-off? That's a bit odd."

Y/N: "Well, it is called a 'Kitchen Stadium' for a reason."

Naoto: "True..."

Of course, Y/N left out the part of meeting Junior and the Malachite Twins. After processing his explanation, Naoto contemplates on the contestants who were in the arena.

Naoto: "..."

Wanting to bring up the conversation about trusting other contestants, Naoto then asks him.

Naoto: "Can any of those contestants be trusted then?"

Immediately realizing that he's re-introducing that conversation, the tied-up Y/N sighs before replying dryly.

Y/N: "No."

Naoto: "Have you tried to speak with them though?"

Y/N: "I didn't." ("That talk with Yosuke and Yu doesn't count to me.")

A bit baffled by his response, Naoto asks again.

Naoto: "Then... how can you know they can't be trusted?"

Y/N: "Because I do."

Becoming more stern, Naoto raises the question.

Naoto: "So, just like the little run-in with Mitsuru and Akihiko?"

Y/N: "Yes. Besides, if I did trust them, System would punish me for it. Trust me, I have more experience with this world than you, Naoto. And because of it, I want as little interaction with the contestants as possible."

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