Chapter 32

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Currently, Naoto Kurogane is walking through an open field. A bit annoyed, the brown-haired guy ponders out loud.

Naoto: "Geez, not sure this is a new area or I'm still in the same one and it's just really huge..."

Like before, no matter how much he scans his surroundings, Naoto can't seem to find any checkpoints or any contestants in the distance. With a short groan, the brown-haired guy remarks.

Naoto: "This is getting boring and walking around doesn't help. I just hope Y/N is doing alright... wherever he is..."

Right on cue, he spots the entangled Y/N appearing in front of him and several feet in the air via the photo-negative barrier. This surprises Naoto, especially since he quickly notices Y/N being electrocuted inside the barrier.

Naoto: "Y/N!"

Once the barrier disappears from sight, the hostage immediately falls down straight to the ground. This prompts Naoto to rush towards him to where he might crash in order to catch him. However, Naoto was too late as Y/N's fall was faster than his sprinting. A moment later, Y/N hits the ground severely, which ends his electrocution.

Y/N: "Ow..."

Rushing to his side, Naoto is both surprised and cheerful to see his ally again.

Naoto: "Thank goodness you're here."

Like clockwork, he assists Y/N to get back on his feet as the hostage replies.

Y/N: "Nice to see you too."

Naoto: "So, what happened to you during your 'time out'?"

Straightening his posture, Y/N responds with a small smile.

Y/N: "Sure, let's just keep going forward first."

Before his ally can answer, the tied-up Y/N begins to walk ahead.

Naoto: "Alright then."

He quickly follows after him as they then walk side by side from each other. As they do, Y/N goes on to explain about what occurred in his "time out." Like the contestants he ran into and the checkpoint and its challenge he had to spectate.

Naoto: "Are you kidding me? A checkpoint?"

Y/N: "Uh-huh. A weird stab the barrel kind of game with a person inside it."

Naoto: "Huh... sounds dangerous."

Y/N: "It kinda was, but no one got hurt." ("Unlike the aftermath of that challenge.")

Of course, Y/N doesn't tell Naoto about his "persuasion" towards Seth and the aftermath of that checkpoint's challenge. Especially his short-lived encounter with his two teammates, Ruby and Weiss. After absorbing his explanation, Naoto ponders on it for a moment or two before commenting.

Naoto: "Aw man, if only System teleported me there with you. I would have gotten another stamp at least."

Y/N: "Believe me, I didn't expect her to do that."

The brown-haired guy let out a sigh as he scratched his head a little. Seeing this, the hostage reassures him with a smile.

Y/N: "Hey, don't let it bother you too much. I'm sure we'll find another checkpoint."

Exhaling to himself, Naoto answers shortly.

Naoto: "I guess so..."

Y/N: "So... this area we're in... is it the same open field or a new one? I can't tell since I was in my 'time out'."

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