Chapter 13

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In the middle of a food court and locked in a standstill with Es, Ruby and the entangled Y/N try to ponder the sudden betrayal from her as Es then asks once more with her arm still extended outward, gesturing to them to give it to her.

Es: "I said

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Es: "I said... give the keystones to me."

No longer in thought, the team leader decides to swiftly wrap her arm around Y/N's torso, pulling him close to her as she activates her semblance to make a quick getaway with Y/N.

Es: "..."

Only for Es to detect this and teleport right in front of them, prompting Ruby to redirect herself.

Ruby: "...!"

A few attempts always end with Es disappearing and reappearing in front of them, preventing them from escaping. Once Ruby stops using her semblance and let's go of the tied-up Y/N, Es then remarks.

Es: "Fleeing is futile. Surrender the keystones to me."

The hostage shouts back.

Y/N: "We can't do that, Es!"

Finally catching her breath, the red-hooded girl comments.

Ruby: "Can you at least give me a reason why you're doing this..."

Es: "That is classified information."

Y/N: "Classified?"

Ruby: "But why? Why would it be classified?"

Once again, Es remains silent, giving them a blank stare until an unfamiliar voice pops up.

???: "Classified, huh? I gotta hear this."

All eyes fall upon an approaching man dressed in red with spiky white hair, carrying around a large blade. 

His presence somewhat baffles the two teammates, but Es is not fazed in the slightest

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His presence somewhat baffles the two teammates, but Es is not fazed in the slightest.

Ruby: "Eh?"

Y/N: "Uh... who are you exactly?"

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