Chapter 15

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Pitch-black darkness is all Ruby can see for a long while until she regain consciousness at a slow pace. As she did that, the red-hooded girl could barely hear a voice, calling to her.

???: "... by... Ruby..."

The darkness steadily withdraws from her vision as she can hardly spot a recognizable view.

???: "Ruby! Can you hear me!? Ruuuuby!"

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???: "Ruby! Can you hear me!? Ruuuuby!"

Upon hearing this voice much clearer, the team leader jolts up from her bed as she immediately wakes up.

Ruby: "Wha-? I-I can hear you! W-Wait... is this..."

As she said this, the team leader gazed upon her surroundings to find herself in her dorm room and it being the morning.

Ruby: "Is this my bed...? The ceiling, the room..."

She then spots a certain person, lying on the floor and murmuring to himself with his eyes closed. Once she immediately realizes who he is, the surprised Ruby gets off her bed and heads to his side.

Ruby: "Y/N!"

Y/N: "Mm, five more minutes... please..."

Crouching down next to him, the red-hooded girl starts shaking him with one hand to get him to wake him up.

Ruby: "Wake up, Y/N!"

Y/N: "H-Huh?"

Not a second later, Y/N opens his eyes as he pulls himself up to sit as he turns his attention to Ruby.

Y/N: "Ruby, you're okay."

He then pulls her into a hug, which catches her by surprise but she embraces it, wrapping her arms around him as well with a smile.

Ruby: "Of course, silly. And are you?"

Y/N: "Funny enough, I am."

Ruby: "Huh..."

After they separate from their hug, the two scan around their area as the team leader asks.

Ruby: "Did we... really make it back...?"

Y/N: "I guess so. I'm surprised you still have your combat skirt on."

Upon hearing his comment, Ruby looks to herself and then Y/N as she responds.

Ruby: "Hey, you're right! We have our battle outfits on, and our weapons are with us too."

They look upon their respective weapons which already strap onto them. This is when the familiar voice speaks up once more.

???: "I'm glad you two woke up. You don't feel funny or anything, do you?"

Y/N: "Not really. Hold on, what?"

Ruby: "No, I'm okay, but wait... who are you? And, where are you?"

Y/N: "This voice... it can't be..."

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