Chapter 9

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The entangled Y/N and Ruby make their way through a lakeside port where tropical trees and a large lake seem to form a grand port city. In the far-right corner, they can see an enormous colosseum from afar. 

The two gazes upon the astounding sight before them as Y/N asks

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The two gazes upon the astounding sight before them as Y/N asks.

Y/N: "This is quite the view, huh Rubes?"

Ruby: "Yeah, never seen a place like this before. Still... I think that's enough sightseeing for now."

Y/N: "Roger that."

They make their way through the area and while Y/N is scanning their surroundings for potential danger, Ruby takes out the red keystone and observes for a short while.

Ruby: "Hmm... these keystones are so shiny... I can't take my eyes off them..."

Her remark prompts Y/N to shift his gaze over to the team leader as she resumes.

Ruby: "It's kinda mysterious, even. Like the shine is pulling me in... or like there's some sort of magical power in it..."

Y/N: "Hm, considering everything we have seen so far. I would not be surprised if these keystones are somehow magical in some way."

Ruby: "Yeah, I guess that's true."

This is when the announcer woman speaks up to them.

Female Announcer: "W-Well, they are the key items in this tournament, after all! If you want to get back to your original world, you better work as hard as you can to snatch them all up!"

Unenthused to hear her again, Y/N comments.

Y/N: "We get it already. So, you can quit bringing it up."

Ruby: "Snatch them all up, huh? Man, this tournament is intense."

Y/N: "Ruby, our whole situation is intense."

Ruby: "True. But you know what? You're right. I don't get to bring everyone home if I don't work hard."

Y/N: "Heh, knowing you, Rubes, I'm sure it'll happen sooner or later. Preferably sooner."

Feeling confident, the team leader nods to him in agreement.

Ruby: "Thanks, Y/N! Now, who should be my next tar-"

Out of nowhere, a blonde girl, wearing a dress and holding an odd umbrella land right on top of Ruby from above.

Out of nowhere, a blonde girl, wearing a dress and holding an odd umbrella land right on top of Ruby from above

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