Chapter 5

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Walking for what felt like numerous minutes, Team RWBY+Y/N advance forward to whatever direction they think they may find a keystone. Searching in small hills, open fields, abandoned temples, and more open fields. And while they are determined to get out of this situation, Weiss is more so than the rest of her team.

Weiss: "Let's face it, none of us believe all what that voice tells us."

Blake: "You mean you don't trust her?"

Weiss: "Hm, obviously."

Y/N: "I get what you're saying, Weiss. I don't trust this 'announcer' one bit."

Yang: "Pft, none of us do."

Ruby: "That may be true, but we still have to collect the rest of the keystones in order to get back home."

Weiss: "And that's the thing, we don't know how many keystones we need to gather other than ours."

Ruby: "Huh?"

Y/N: "Now that I think about it... how many do we need...?"

Weiss: "And that's my point..."

With a brief sigh, the heiress continues.

Weiss: "All I'm saying is that I don't trust half the things this voice is telling us."

The cat Faunus chimes in, arms crossed.

Blake: "You think the voice is lying to us."

Weiss: "And probably withholding crucial information that none of us know."

Yang: "Well, I wouldn't pass it."

Y/N: "So, what? You think there's more going on than just forcing us to partake in this tournament?"

Weiss: "I... ugh, I'm not sure at the moment. But it's best to remain cautious and second guess everything and everyone we don't know."

Blake: "Well, this whole situation we're in is rather suspicious as a whole."

Yang: "No kidding."

This is when Ruby cuts in, speaking in a reassuring tone to Weiss.

Ruby: "I understand what you're saying, but thinking everyone else is suspicious is a bit far, don't you think?"

Y/N: "She's right, Weiss. This tournament's contestants are brought here against their will."

Weiss: "Even so, remaining skeptical, vigilant and asking questions are the only options we have if we want to escape this ridiculous world."

Y/N: "Hey, that's-"

Before he can finish, the disembodied voice interrupts him, surprising the team a bit as her sudden blaring tone assaults Y/N's eardrums once more.

Female Announcer: "Hey! This world is not ridiculous. I work really hard to get this tournament up and running, you know."

Y/N: "Ugh, again..."

Now hearing the voice again, Weiss then asks.

Weiss: "Okay then. Tell us this truthfully. How many keystones do we need? Are there contestants working for you?"

That last question stuns her teammates for a moment as the announcer replies.

R/B/Y: "...???"

Female Announcer: "Then, I shall answer one of your questions! There are no participants working for me. They, like you guys, are searching for the keystones."

Y/N: "Oh really? Prove it."

But he gets no response as the voice just went suddenly quiet. Like Y/N, an annoyed expression is plastered on Weiss's face as she speaks.

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