Chapter 24

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Inside the ruined temple, Naoto is searching every nook and cranny of its interior, thinking that one of the checkpoints is here. As for the ensnared Y/N, he discovers a small, secluded room with nothing inside. He takes this chance to use his somewhat moveable hands to take out the pencil and piece of paper out of his pocket.

Y/N: ("Thanks, Neo.")

He quickly sits down on the floor and places his paper down and begins to write as best he can, considering that he's tied-up with these red binds.

Y/N: "..."

Once he finishes writing, he grabs his paper and puts it back into his pocket along with his pencil. As he was about to get up from his spot, Naoto entered the room.

Naoto: "Y/N? What are you doing here?"

Y/N: "Just taking a little rest after seeing that this room doesn't have a checkpoint. I'm all done now."

This puzzles Naoto a bit, but given Y/N's circumstances with those red binds, he can understand and doesn't linger on it.

Naoto: "Okay... well, I'm done searching the rest of this place. No checkpoints in sight."

Y/N: "Then, it's a total bust. Let's leave then."

Naoto: "Sure. You can explain to me what happened to you along the way."

Y/N: "I'll do that."

After checking on the temple, they leave the area and walk off to where they think the checkpoint might be. During this, the hostage that is Y/N then explains to Naoto what happened after they got separated from the maze challenge. How he came across Celica, Minerva, and a few other contestants at the candy house before he got teleported to a three-legged race where he came across one of his teammates. Only to get whisk away once again. Of course, Y/N doesn't tell Naoto about his encounter with Junior and the twins or his encounter with the criminal duo and Roman's warning, which he's still contemplating over.

Y/N: ("Why shouldn't I reach the goal by myself or in a group...? What's so bad about it...?")

Both Naoto and Y/N are now strolling through an open field filled with more rocks and shrubs of various shapes and sizes than there are regular trees. Naoto is processing Y/N's explanation of the events he went through.

Naoto: "Wow... I didn't think System would put you through this?"

Y/N: "Well, she did. But what's done is done. No point in lingering on it."

Naoto: "Oh... okay then, but uh... are you doing alright?"

Hearing his question, the tied-up Y/N turns to him and smiles.

Y/N: "For the most part, I am. At least, I now know that my teammates and friends are doing just fine, considering our situation."

Naoto: "I guess so. I was hoping System would teleport Celica along with you."

Y/N: "I suppose she didn't care to do that."

Naoto: "Seems like it. Still... I'm sorry that this has to happen to you... I wish I could do more to help."

Hearing that last part, the hostage shifts his gaze to the side as he idly comments.

Y/N: "I mean, you could..."

Naoto: "R-Really? How?"

In response, Y/N shrugs as he replies.

Y/N: "I don't know. Maybe defend me... protect me from violent contestants so I don't get punished for fighting back."

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