Chapter 20

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Going through this woodland area, the ensnared Y/N and his group would follow along the trail that would lead them out of this place as Minerva stayed behind Y/N to ensure no ambush would occur to him. During this, Naoto and Celica can't help but notice the silent Y/N's sour mood given what just happened to them and Team CFVY not too long ago.

Naoto: ("Can't exactly blame him for it.")

Celica: ("I feel awful for him.")

With this in mind, Celica goes to walk beside Y/N with a reassuring smile.

Celica: "Hey, don't be so bitter about it, Y/N. I'm sure they'll be fine."

Y/N: "I... I get that... I just can't help but worry... and be upset..."

Intervening into their exchange is Naoto as he rests a hand on his shoulder.

Naoto: "She's right. Your friends are pretty tough. They can handle it on their own and get through this. Just gotta have faith in them."

Celica: "And hope for the best! Besides, if they can get through this with minimal issue, I'm sure your teammates can too, especially since they've been here already."

Minerva silently patted him on the head a little, much to his short-lived surprise. Despite that, their encouraging words prompt the tied-up Y/N to exhale for a moment before answering.

Y/N: "You guys... are right. I guess I let my concerns get the better of me."

Celica: "It's fine. We understand, right Minerva?"

Minerva: "..."

Naoto: "Yeah. We don't hold it against you for feeling that way. So, let's keep our chin up, okay?"

Once again, Y/N feels a wave of conflicting emotions towards their shared optimism from being thankful, to annoyed, to being amused, and to being the opposite of that. Regardless, Y/N eventually responds back with a smile.

Y/N: "Sure thing."

Naoto: "Glad to hear it and uh... where are you going, Celica?"

Following his gaze, Y/N spot Celica pointing at a different direction that has more bushes and trees than the trail they're on currently.

Celica: "I think I found a shortcut, guys."

Y/N: "Uhm, are you sure that's a shortcut?"

Before Celica can respond to that, Minerve goes over to pull her arm back to the trail they're on. This prompts the girl to not take that direction as she yields to her companion.

Celica; "Okay, Minerva. We won't take that path. We'll just stick to the one we're in."

Both Y/N and Naoto are a bit dumbfounded that she would consider that direction as a "shortcut," but they decide not to linger on it and focus on the path ahead of them.

(A Few Moments Later)

After some more walking, they finally exit the woodland area and are greeted with the sight of what looks like to be a large garden, though the nearby structures and buildings seem to be covered by numerous vegetation.

After some more walking, they finally exit the woodland area and are greeted with the sight of what looks like to be a large garden, though the nearby structures and buildings seem to be covered by numerous vegetation

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