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A/N: This takes place after Volume 2 and before Volume 3 so, keep that in mind. Whether you consider this fanfic "canon" or "non-canon" to my previous fanfics I've done is up to you, fellow readers.


(Beacon Academy, Afternoon)

After coming back from their little visit to Patch, Yang and Ruby came back to Beacon via Bullhead. They relink with their teammates at the school's courtyard. Y/N, Weiss, and Blake are glad to see them again and ask why their father wanted them to visit. The two sisters share a quick look before turning back to their teammates.

Yang: "Ah, he just wanted to check on us to see how we're doing."

Ruby: "And well... we also have to visit our mother's gravestone."

Upon hearing her remark, her teammates immediately recoiled.

Blake: "O-Oh..."

Weiss: "I... see."

Y/N: "..."

Realizing the mood she created, Ruby speaks up once more in a reassuring tone.

Ruby: "B-But don't worry about it. We do this every now and then to say our prayers, right Yang?"

Yang: "Yeah."

An awkward silence befell on them for a moment before Y/N eventually speaks to dismiss this silence.

Y/N: "Well, if you say so. Still, it's good to you two back from your visit."

Seeing the warm smile on his face, Yang and Ruby smile back with Weiss and Blake following suit. The blonde goes and hugs him.

Yang: "Aww, you miss us that much, babe?"

Y/N: "Well, you two weren't gone for that long."

Despite his remark, the smiling Yang continues to hug him, making her little sister pout.

Ruby: "Mm. No fair, Yang."

Yang: "Then, go for his back."

Upon hearing this, Ruby shifts her gaze to Y/N's back and not a second later, the cheerful Ruby proceeds to hug his back.

Ruby: "I'm glad we're back."

However, this little group hug is interrupted by the heiress clearing her throat to get their attention, which it works.

Weiss: "This is all well and good, but we have other matters to attend to."

Blake: "That's right. We still have to train for the upcoming tournament."

The heiress then grabs Y/N's hand to pull him away from the sisters' hug as she continues.

Weiss: "And now that you two are here, we can work on that and any strategies we can come up with."

While the two sisters are disappointed that their little group hug ended, they share a quick look before nodding in agreement to them.

Ruby: "I suppose so."

Yang: "True. I can't wait for the tournament to start..."

Her remark makes Blake chuckle a bit.

Blake: "Heh, eager as always."

Yang: "Hell yeah!"

The blonde then turns to Y/N and asks.

Yang: "You're going to watch our matches, right babe?"

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