Chapter 2

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The team are still discussing over their current situation in whatever world the female announcer has placed them in. Of course, Y/N contributes to the conversation every now and then. Until he brings up a question.

Y/N: "So, uhm... what do we do now?"

Weiss: "Well, obviously, we need to come up with some sort of strategy."

Ruby: "She's right. Now that we're in an unfamiliar place like this, we need to come up with something if we're ever going back to our world."

The blonde then gazes upon the red keystone that Ruby is still holding.

Yang: "So far what I'm getting at is that we've gotta protect this keystone as we collect the others."

The cat Faunus matches Yang's gaze at looking at their keystone.

Blake: "That's how we win, according to that voice anyway."

This is when the disembodied voice chimes in, surprising the team yet again.

Female Announcer: "That's right! If you want to get back to your original world, then hurry up and collect those keystones."

Blake: "T-There it is again!"

Y/N: "What the-You're still here?!"

Female Announcer: "Of course, I never left. I'm here to provide support and make sure that the tournament goes smoothly and everyone can claw their way to the keystones as safely as possible."

Upon hearing her words, the heiress just scoffs at it.

Weiss: "Ugh, how savage."

Yang: "Eh, sounds pretty exciting to me."

Blake: "Did you forget our situation, Yang?"

Yang: "No, I haven't. I'm just saying how it is."

Y/N: "So, got any ideas, Ruby?"

Ruby: "I'm... working on it."

Weiss: "Regardless, I think I should hold onto the keystone."

Ruby: "Huh? But why?"

Weiss: "Because that keystone is a crucial item in getting us back home. It needs to be protected."

Ruby: "While I get that, but as team leader, I think I should keep it with me for safekeeping, you know."

This results in Ruby and Weiss debating over who gets to hold the keystone as Yang, Blake, and the still tied up Y/N watch this unfold. Despite their dispute, there's no hint of animosity between the two and it's more of a matter of urgency than anything else. Realizing that this might take a while, Y/N turns to both Blake and Yang and asks.

Y/N: "Can you two scout the area for a bit? I would help out, but... you know..."

He gestures or at least attempts to gesture towards the red binds that still have him ensnared on. Almost immediately, the two nod in agreement to him.

Blake: "We'll do that."

Yang: "You can count on us, babe."

And with that, the two marches off and proceeds to do some reconnaissance closeby. Y/N stares after them for a moment before redirecting his focus on the still-arguing Ruby and Weiss as he walks over to them.

Ruby: "I understand that you're worried about this."

Weiss: "I'm a little more than just worried, Ruby. This whole situation we're in is just... unusual... we have so many questions and we've gotten so little answers to work with."

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