Chapter 19

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Minutes upon minutes go by as Y/N and his group make their way to what looks like a lakeside port. A place Y/N is somewhat familiar with, considering he and Ruby encounter Rachel via Rachel landing on top of her. Along with encountering Merkava as he tries to attack him and Ruby before they manage to escape.

Nevertheless, Y/N pushes these memories aside as he continues to ponder to himself, while walking with his group

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Nevertheless, Y/N pushes these memories aside as he continues to ponder to himself, while walking with his group.

Y/N: ("Other than my team and Team JNPR, who else did 'System' bring to the Phantom Field...? She couldn't have brought that many, right?")

As he slowly comes to awareness, he overhears Naoto exhaling as he says out loud.

Naoto: "Man, we've been traveling pretty far. And so far, we haven't found a single checkpoint or any contestants as of now. Hey Y/N, does this usually happen to you and your team?"

Y/N: "It does, though I wouldn't be surprised if we run into some of the contestants here."

Naoto: "Ugh, I just hope they're reasonable and normal at the very least."

Y/N: "Yeah... same here." ("Though somehow... I doubt it.")

At the front and unbeknownst to them, Celica keeps attempting to go in a different direction.

Celica: "This looks like a shortcut."

Only for Minerva to always shove her back to the path they're on.

Minerva: "..."

Celica: "Okay, Minerva. We'll stay on this path if that's what you want."

They make their way through this lakeside port city, keeping their eyes peeled for any dangers that might show up or ambush them.

Y/N: ("Hm... so far... so goo-")

Naoto: "Look out!"

The hostage that is Y/N's train of thought is interrupted when two familiar guys fall on top of Naoto and Minerva in an attempt to attack them.

Minerva: "..."

Naoto: "Tch!"

In response, both Minerva and Naoto manage to block their strikes and push them off, prompting them to jump away a good few meters.

Y/N: "...!?"

Upon getting a better look at their assailants, the entangled Y/N immediately realize who they are as soon as two familiar girls relink with them with their respective weapons in hand.

Upon getting a better look at their assailants, the entangled Y/N immediately realize who they are as soon as two familiar girls relink with them with their respective weapons in hand

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