Chapter 33

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The photo-negative barrier has transported Naoto and the entangled Y/N into a woodland area. However, Y/N is dropped several feet in the air while still being electrocuted. He tries to land on his feet, but immediately fails due to the agonizing pain he's still experiencing. The moment he hits the ground, the electrocution does cease.

Naoto: "Y/N!"

The brown-haired guy rushes to his side as he assists him in getting back on his feet. The bodiless voice then states.

System: "Look, I don't know what you just did back there, but you better stop."

With a smirk, the tied-up Y/N plays dumb as he replies.

Y/N: "I have no idea what you're talking about."

Coming to his defense is Naoto as he says.

Naoto: "Yeah! What did he even do? He was at the sideline throughout the match."

Y/N: "If anything, Naoto and the other girls should get a stamp for dealing with those gatekeepers you lost track of."

Naoto: "That's right!"

System: "Hey! You guys not dying by Nu and Adam's blade was the reward. Be glad I didn't have them following after you. Just continue onward to the next checkpoint. I'll see you there!"

And with that, the announcer goes silent, indicating that she left them be. Letting out a sigh, Naoto turns to Y/N and asks.

Naoto: "Why does she always assume that you have something to do with these matches?"

Y/N: "Your guess is as good as mine."

Naoto: "Maybe because you keep interjecting them."

Y/N: "Maybe. Oh hey, look!"

The brown-haired guy follows his gaze to discover a dirt path that leads to what looks like a rural town a good distance away from them.

Naoto: "A town?"

Y/N: "Let's check it out. There might be a checkpoint."

Naoto: "Hm, fine by me."

They make their way out of the woodland, following the dirt path that will lead straight towards the rural town. Unbeknownst to them, a guy with blue-haired spots them in the woods several meters away.

???: "..."

(A Few Minutes Later)

Both Naoto and the ensnared Y/N are going through this rural town with a convenience store and other small buildings nearby.

While the town may be vacant, their eyes dart around their surroundings to check if there's any violent contestants wanting to attack them

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While the town may be vacant, their eyes dart around their surroundings to check if there's any violent contestants wanting to attack them. So far, that doesn't occur, though they don't spot anything that even resembles a checkpoint. As they stroll though this place, Naoto ponders out loud.

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