Chapter 27

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Finally out of the open field for now, the tied-up Y/N and Naoto found themselves in an abandoned small town. The place is run down and vacant from what they can tell.

Naoto: "Okay... wasn't expecting to find an empty town."

Y/N: "Me neither. But let's stay on our toes for any ambushes."

Naoto: "Got it."

They stroll through the town, their eyes darting around their surroundings to ensure a contestant or gatekeeper doesn't attack them out of the blue. Luckily, that doesn't occur, even when they reach the other side of the town, exiting it as a result. They then slowly approach what looks like a rail station.

 They then slowly approach what looks like a rail station

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Naoto: "Okay... so far so good."

Y/N: "Yeah and-"

He's cut off upon spotting something in the distance. Turns out the rail station wasn't so empty as he spots two somewhat familiar individuals.

Y/N: "...!?"

A girl with long red hair, wearing some sort of body suit with a lavish white coat.

The other is a guy with short white hair, wearing brown pants and some sort of red cloak

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The other is a guy with short white hair, wearing brown pants and some sort of red cloak.

The other is a guy with short white hair, wearing brown pants and some sort of red cloak

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Realizing who they are, Y/N whispers loudly to Naoto.

Y/N: "Hide!"

A bit puzzled, Naoto follows the hostage as they then conceal their presence behind a large pile of metallic debris. A moment later, Naoto whispers to Y/N.

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