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-mention of breast feeding-

*Riley POV*

I knew I had to be nice to Emily today. She had just watched her best friend and niece leave, Leah was almost like a daughter to her and made her feel loved, yet when the company came to collect Charlie they asked ask her something.

"Are you sure you want Riley over Leah. Leah has a better record and the association think that Riley would do better in a stricter household" One of the people in suits said. I feel sick, what of she does abandon me and send me away. I have been a bit of a dick to her, but what will they do in that house and how will they treat me... I was just starting to want to be with her and they want to take me away... I feel like I'm gonna cry.

"RILEY ISN'T GOING ANYWHERE. THIS IS HIS HOME" Emily was angrier than I thought she would be at that comment. She slammed her fist on the table which made me wobble and fall backwards on my bum. They were all looking at me... Emily picks me up, kissing my head gently.

"Don't go" Is all I say in her ear, I cling to her neck and she just chuckles.

"I'm not going anywhere baby, I promise. You and me are staying right here" She says kissing my cheeks then blowing raspberries on my face which makes me squeal. I feel stupid but I can't help it, it tickles so much I can't help but squeal and squirm.

"MOMMY STOPPP" I'm squealing and erupting with laughter, she has layed me on the couch and is tickling me all over. I want to push her away but I'm laughing so hard it hurts a little bit... I haven't laughed this hard in years. After a few more moments she stops and pulls me in for a cuddle but I don't want to because I have too much energy.

"Down, mommy down" those are the only words I can muster up as I wiggle in her arms. She sets me down in my play pen, I assume it's mine because the walls are baby blue and white frames clicked together to form a wall. And it was A MILLION BILLION MILES LONG AND A QUAZILLION MILES TALL. It was an imp-imp... Imposable wall. Luckily I can still see the tv so I can watch paw patrol.

I shouldn't really say this but... Chase is my favorite, because he is blue and I love blue. But don't tell anyone because I love all the doggies....... But chase is my favourite!

Now that Charlie and Leah have gone it's just me and Emily. She had moved to the couch so I whine to get her attention. Luckily she notices and picks me up, setting me down on her lap. She had a sleeveless tank top and grey shorts on whereas I had one of her baggy shirts on and a diaper which I didn't mind. I rest my head on her breasts, my hand laying limp on her chest too. I don't know why but it's most comfortable there.

"It's just you and me now baby" Emily sighs stroking my hair gently. Mo- Emily and me, forever... Didn't sound too bad I guess...

After a few more minutes of cuddling she gets a phone call which I assume is from Leah because she leaves me on the couch to take it. I take this opportunity to go upstairs and take a look at all the rooms. At the very end of the hall on the right there was a door I hadn't been in yet so of course I walked towards it. I think it was an office because it had a desk, tons of bookshelves, and a million papers on her desk.

I close the door and go to the desk, sitting in the spinning chair. Twirling round a few times before I notice one of the papers on her desk fall off. I pick it up and read it, it was from the association...

Dear Miss Daymen,

As your little is under the age of 2 years (24 months) we would highly advise the use of lactation pills to enduce breast milk.

Breast milk is beneficial for a little his age! Here are some other things he might enjoy:

-skin to skin time
-stories in a rocking chair
-baby mobile

Please complete the form on the back and send it back in for your lactation pills

The association

I read the letter again and again and again... I turn round as the door opens, Emily was in the doorway with a soft frown and gentle eyes.

"I was going to talk to you about that when you had settled in more..." Emily starts before I can ask any questions. "You don't have too baby, it's your choice okay?" I just nod. She walks towards me and takes the paper from my hands. "If you ever want to do that just let me know okay" She explains and I just nod again blushing immensely at the thought. She chuckles at my embarrassment and picks me up, making a 'whoosh' sound as she lifts me. What a silly sound.

As she carries me all I want to do is play with her hair, it falls so nicely between my fingers.

"Baby what are you going on about" Mommy says with a chuckle. I didn't even realize I was babbling to myself but now I'm embarrassed. But I don't say anything. It's like the words won't come out, like I can't say anything.

When I'm set down in my nursery I look at her confused. She kneels and puts her hands over her eyes and uncovers them. I know she is right there but I can't help but feel amused and happy, I erupt with giggles and squeals. Clapping my hands excitedly. She does it again and I get even more excited, she keeps doing it. Mommy is so silly. I giggled so hard I wet myself, I didn't want too but I burst out crying.

Emily quickly changes me, praising me the whole time then handing me a pacifier. When she is done she takes my shirt off, then hers and her bra. Sitting back in the rocking chair she had me on her chest... I assume this is skin to skin, it's a lot nicer than I thought it would be. Usually I work have flirted with a girl like Mommy but all I can think is how Yummy her boobies would be. I shake the thought out, I'm 18... I shouldn't want a 20 year old woman's boobs as a meal.

I fall asleep on Mommy's chest, her hand rubbing my back as I suck on my pacifier.

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