A Mothers love

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-TW: gore, blood. Weapons, danger, kidnapping, Emily being awesome-

I never thought it would actually become serious... I never thought I would get here. Holding this letter in my hand...

You left me no choice... Bring yourself or be the reason your babies die. Be at your old house, alone. Tomorrow morning.

At first I scoffed but after seeing three empty beds, three ruined bedrooms, three people missing.

It feels like there is no oxygen, my purpose for living being stripped from me... I allowed my babies to be taken from me. I don't even know who this person is or what they want. All I know is that they want me.

And I'm going to give me to them...

This person thought they could hurt my babies and get away with it, they are dead wrong...

I crumple up the note. Throwing it in the nearest bin. Damon walks in slowly, I can sense his unease.

"Baby? You ok there" Damon nervously asks.

"How could I be ok. How are you so ok Damon" I sigh walking towards my wardrobe.

"I'm not ok but what will worrying do" Damon says, I roll my eyes and get dressed in black jeans, black top and my leather jacket. Braiding my hair so it's out the way...

"I'm getting our kids back, are you coming or not" I ask Damon, he looks at me with a worried look.

"If I go I put our kids and you in danger... Its better if I stay" He says with a shakey breath... I hug him, letting out a deep breath as I sink into his arms for what might be the last time.

As I let him go I walk downstairs and slip on my trainers. As cool as it would be to kick ass in heels I know I won't get far. I charge out to door to my car.

The engine roars to life, I don't hesitate to drive down the road towards the town. The louder I can hear the engine the more it drives me to get to my babies...

I finally pull up outside. I slam the door behind me and walk inside slowly. Mama is coming babies.

The door is already open which is handy. In the kitchen I pick up a knife I left in the drawer. Clenching it in my fist.

I hear a footstep upstairs. Animal or person, I listen intently... Another step follows... Human. Adult, not Riley... Or Leah, too heavy. Could be Russo but I doubt it.

I approach the stairs. Using the space between each bar to step. The stairs are too creaky, I'll be noticed. When im close enough I pull myself up on the upstairs railing.

I perch on the thin rail. Slowly lowering myself on the floor. I check both ways, fait noise from my old room, it's Male to deep to be a woman's. The door is open slightly. I press my body against the door, looking through the slit. It's a tall man, seemingly unarmed.

I would be an idiot to charge in. I need another angle. I go into Riley's old room, opening his window and climbing onto the thin railing. Slowly moving across to my bedroom window, using my phone camera to look into the room. I see Riley, the other two must be somewhere else.

The man is on his phone. He might not be the only one, I slip back through Riley's window and walk back to the stairs. Slipping back down the stairs I notice the basement door open.

I look through the crack. Leah and Russo. I can't see anyone else there, I push the door open a little more to look under the stairs. You can never be more careful...


I hold the knife steady. I hear footsteps approaching me. Not one set, three.

"She should be here by now" a male voice says. I turn on my heels. Crouch running towards the nearest wall, pressing my back against it. Three men, all of them looking out the door.

They have seen my car just like I wanted them too...

"She is-" I stab the side of his throat. I take the knife out letting his body drop and hit the floor with a bloody thud. I grab the closest guy by the throat pulling him backwards with me. Flipping back onto my feet swiftly to lunge at the 3rd guy. Stabbing him in the back, pushing the knife slowly further before pulling it out and throwing the body on the one guy I left alive. I close the door shutting us all inside.

"Who sent you" I ask him as he tries to push the body off him.

"Chill lady, it wasn't me I swear. I-I don't know his name..." The guy speaks with a fearful voice...

"You think you can mess with a mother and get away. Tell me who sent you or die slowly" I threaten kneeling down beside him, I stab his leg and he let's out a loud wail in pain. I leave the knife in his leg so he doesn't bleed out.

"I-I don't know I swear" He cries beneath me, pathetic...

"Tell me" I bring the knife out and swiftly back down in his leg. "I'm running out of patience"

"H-He is with the association. T-Thats all I know I swear" The guy crys out.

"Liar" I say harshly. The knife comes up and down into his stomach.


"Pathetic" I pick the knife up and start to walk away. I fling the knife back, I don't look. I hear the thud and know he is either dead or too scared to move. I go towards the basement first.

"Mommy" Leah whines out, her cheek cut and bleeding down. Russo is unconscious. Both of them dirty and roughed up. I gently untie her wrists, she clings onto me. I reach past her and untie Russo. Holding up his limp body. I carefully manage to carry both to my car.

I go back in for Riley. He has bruises all over his face and I assume his body. I can see the tear marks, his tired eyes look at me. "Ma" he whines.

"It's okay Dove, mama is here" I soothe as I untie him. He whimpers softly as he is released, he goes limp in my arms. He starts to cry softly, I pick him up and cradle him gently. "Come on baby, let's go home" I say softly in his ear.

Today could have gone a lot worse... There is someone out there trying to hurt me and the ones I love...

Bring it on bitch.

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