Poor baby

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Mommy and Damon have been acting weird since we got back from pop pop's house. Really cuddly with each other. Me and Russo have been trying our best to keep him away but he keeps coming back! Get the hint, our mommy so go awayyyy.

Damon even stayed the night AGAIN! What's next, he moves in... Please no. I would be more annoyed BUT tomorrow is pop pops birthday. So mommy is going to take us out to buy gifts for him.

"Mommy are they coming too?" Russo asks as she helps me get my shoes on, they are lace shoes and they look hard.

"Nope, just us three. You have me all to yourselves" Mommy smiles as she finishes my shoes. As much as I loved seeing them, they are here all the time... It's almost like they are moving in. We go to the car and mommy tries to out me in my car seat but I don't want to go, it's yucky. I don't like my carseat. "Riley stop crying, let me put you in your carseat" mommy is trying to calm me down but I'm not listening.

She popped me on the thigh... TWICE. Mommy has never popped me before, it hurts. I let her buckle me in but my leg still hurts, she popped me... The whole drive to the shop I don't say a word to her!

"Are you still pouting?" Mommy asks but I just cross my arms and ignore her. She helps me out the car but I don't thank her or anything I just wait for Russo to get out the car too. Me and Russo go into the shopping center.

"Are you ignoring mommy" Russo whispers. I just nod, we go into a clothes shop first because mommy wants to buy him a suit.

"Does this one look nice or should I grab a different one" Mommy asks holding up a gray suit with a built-in black pocket square and matching black tie.

"I like it" Russo comments, I don't say anything because she is a meanie. We take time going to all the shops and buying our gifts but when we get to the cafe I'm starting to feel very tired. Usually I would sit on Mommy's lap and take a quick nap but I'm still not talking to her.

"Riley you haven't talked to me all day, you cannot still be mad that I gently tapped your leg." Mommy says with a calm voice but when I don't say anything she looks slightly annoyed. "Fine, if you do not want to talk to me then don't. See how far that gets you." What does she mean by that...

After the cafe we go to the toy shop, Russo picked out a giraffe teddy and some baby Lego which mommy said he could buy. But when I picked out a teddy mommy ignored me! She didn't respond so when she had paid for Russo's stuff I had to watch the shop attendant put mine back. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT! Mommy ignored me...

She helps me into my car seat but doesn't say a word, usually she says how good I am and smiles at me but she didn't at all. Before Russo got in Mommy had to change his diaper and she was praising him, saying how good he was and smiling at him!!!

It's like I don't even exist. I want mommy back, she isn't allowed to ignore me it's not nice. Russo is eventually sat next to me and he fell right asleep but I can't sleep because mommy won't talk to me. I cry the whole way home, mommy is a big meanie who is mean all the time.

"Ma ma I sowwy" I cry when she goes to take me out my car seat, I'm a teary mess and she isn't a meanie, I'm a meanie... Mommy picks me up and gives me a close hug. "Ma ma" I whine softly as I catch my breath.

"It's okay dove but ignoring mommy just because your upset is not okay" I nod gently and Mommy kisses my cheeks. Mommy continues to hold me as she takes Russo out, waking him up so he runs to the front door. Mommy locks the door and unlocks the front door.

"Hey guy's, how was shopping" Damon asks as he walks down the stairs carrying Leah. Russo immediately goes to Charlie who us sitting quietly on the couch. I cling to mommy because I missed talking to her today.

"Shopping was okay, I think the boys are just tired. Riley is very little at the moment so he was throwing a fit today and now he wants his mommy" Mommy smiles softly and I nuzzle more into her neck.

She carries me to the kitchen and sits me on the kitchen table, I even get a yogurt pot which mama feeds to me. Mama and Damon talk for awhile then mama helps me wrap up pop pops birthday gift. Me, Russo and mama all sit on the floor with some silver wrapping paper. I got him a mug that says 'Worlds best Grandpa' and a chocolate bar.

I'm very excited for Pop pop's birthday. "Ma ma" I whine when she helps Russo wrap his gift to pop pop.

"Just a moment dove, mama needs to help your brother right now." Mama strokes my cheek with her hand as she finishes up wrapping with Russo.

"Mama mamaaa" I whine, I'm getting impatient, I want my Mama... Finally she finishes with Russo and pulls me onto her lap, letting me lay on her chest and pulling Russo next to her. I don't really want to share mama though, so I hit him on the head.

"RILEY" mama sounds angry as she sits me on the floor beside her and picks up a crying Russo, this is not fair. "We do not hit, you are going in time out for 20 minutes. That's very naughty" TIME OUT, THIS ISN'T FAIR!!

She sits me in the corner on the floor and tells me not to move, talk or turn round. This is so unfair. When the time is done I have to apologize.

"Sowwy" I mumble.

"It's okay" Russo smiles at me, even though I hit him and I start to feel really bad. It gets late and all three of us are in mama's bed. Mama is stroking my hair while I drink some milkies, Russo already had a little but he is bigger than me so he doesn't want too as much. Mama is just talking to me while I'm drinking which is kinda nice.

"What got into you today, your always my little angel but today you have been so upset" Mama whispers to me. She isn't wrong, I just miss it being me and mommy only, sharing is hard... She used to be only my mama but now she is mine and Russo mama and now Damon is here all the time so I might have to share mama with Leah AND Charlie AND Damon and she will forget all about me... My head is hurting now.

"Don't cry little dove, mama's got you." Is all she says, those few words making me feel even the smallest bit better. I love mama, I hope she never leaves me.

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