*Riley POV*
I wake up to Emily cradling me again, the other girl and dude are hugging so I guess they got into some sort of fight because they were screaming earlier..
My head was feeling so much better, I hadn't slept so well in agesss. Emily tried to put me on the floor earlier but as much as I hated being carried about, I hated being sat in a fucking playpen more. My legs felt colder than usual when the realization hit that Emily had changed my diaper this morning and my clothes... I scrambled out of her arms, trying to stand away from her. She looks at me in shock and goes to hold my hand but I move away more, I fall on my ass when I move and even though the diaper cushioned it, it really hurt. I start to tear up but I don't want her to touch me.
"Awh honey, let me help you" Emily cooes trying to pick me back up but I squirm and push her hands away.
"Don't fucking touch me, I'm not a baby I don't need to be held" I say but I sound a bit pathetic due to my crying.. Emily retracts her hands hesitantly.
"Well do you want anything to eat or drink" She asks crouched down so I can see her eyes. She had teal eyes, more green then blue. I nod gently at her question. "Well come on then" she says standing up and extending a hand. I take it slowly and she guides me to the kitchen where the guy was, Charlie I think his name is..
"Hey bud, are you hungry" He asks me holding a mug in hand. I nod, hiding behind Emily a little bit. I'm glad I wasn't stuck with him as my carer, he is scary.. Emily is a lot prettier and smells nice so I'm glad I'm stuck with her. "What do you want to eat and I'll cook it for you" the guy asks crouching down to my height. Jesus he is tall..
"P-pancake" I mutter and he must have heard because he smiles and ruffles my hair... I have never had anyone ruffle my hair before, I will admit it was nice. Emily strokes my hair, a lot gentler than a ruffle and was still very nice. I just hold onto her shirt so I don't fall over. I feel my legs are like jelly, barely holding on.
"Are you okay there hun" Emily says sweetly to me, bending down slightly to meet my eyes which makes me blush.. A part of me wants her to pick me up but that's babyish! I'm not a baby and I don't need her fucking help.
"I'm fine, leave me alone" I say in a Huff. She just smiles at me... It's making me feel all warm inside and I hate it.
"Well if your fine then can you let go of my shirt" She asks me softly still at my eyeline. I hesitantly let go of her shirt, I look down at the blue onsie she had put me in with my legs out and my diaper visable. I try to pull the clothes down so the diaper is less visable but Emily swats my hand away. Charlie sets a plate down with pancakes which I assume are for me but it's hard to see when the table is like a thousand times taller than me.
"Do you need some help" Emily says which makes me reluctantly nod but I refuse to look at her. She picks me up and sits me on her lap when she sits at the table. I reach for my plate but can't reach which makes her chuckle and bring my plate closer.
Syrupy goodness as soon as I take a bite, using my hands to eat. Emily puts a bib on me despite my struggles. Telling me I 'need one'... W-WHICH I DON'T OBVIOUSLY.
"What a messy baby you have there Em" someone says, I think it's Charlie. I'm not sure, I'm too busy sucking the syrup off my fingers. Emily picks me up and takes me upstairs, setting me down and beginning to run a bath.
"I don't need a bath" I say as Emily checks the water. She turns to face me then smiles which turns into a chuckle, making me blush more.
"Is that so? Then how else will you get clean?" She says turning back to the bath. As she isn't looking I take this opportunity to run out the bathroom, I start running down the hallway and down the stairs. I grab a stray hoodie that was on the side and out the door.
I slip the hoodie on, zipping it up all the way so nobody could see the babyish shit she had me wear... I had no shoes, no money, no phone or other clothes. But I can fend for myself... I won't give into her and be her baby or whatever. I keep walking, walking, walking, walking until I reached my apartment.
Everything was as I left it, my bed, my fridge, my clothes. All the same. I flick on my bedroom light screaming as I see Emily sitting on my bed, with a pissed look.
"Little boy, who do you think you are running out my house like that" She asks me as she stands up, I hadn't noticed how much I had shrunk... I used to be near her height and now she seems much taller than me.
"I didn't want to stay anymore" I reply quietly, feeling abit scared of her...
"We are going home, I won't punish you this time but a stunt like this again and you will be in a lot of trouble... Do you hear me" She says grabbing my upper arm
"Fuck off, I can go where I want. I'm 18, I'm an adult not a fucking baby" I snap back even though a small part of me wished I hadn't as she already looked pissed off.
"Watch your mouth, I will not allow this kind of behavior" she says sternly.
"YOUR ONLY TREATING ME LIKE A FUCKING BABY BECAUSE YOU CAN'T HAVE KIDS OF YOUR OWN YOU BITCH" I say in a fit of anger. She lets go slowly and I start to regret what I said...
"My numbers on the side when you change your mind" She says with a much softer tone, leaving my room without another word. I could see her tears as she walked out and immediately felt guilt.. What the fuck have I done, and right as tears start to fall I feel the warmth between my legs...

Mama's Boy
Non-FictionIt's classification day for Riley. he is finally 18 but when he gets his results things turn for the worst quickly when he has to stay with his brother until he gets assigned a Caregiver. Emily is 20 and has been a Mommy without a little for 2 year...