-TW: Gore/blood near end-
*Russo*Pop pop wakes us early the next day because he wants to take us on a 'day out' we have never been on one of those because we prefer to stay home but I'm so excited.
Apparently mommy is going to be back tomorrow because of something important but pop pop didn't say what so I didn't ask. Today me and riley have matching overalls, my shirt is green.
"Don't touch me I can do it myself" Riley protests to Damon who is trying to help him get dressed.
"Buddy I just want to help you get changed. It will be two seconds" Damon says with a sigh. I can tell Riley still doesn't trust him and I can't say I do either. Considering we only had a boozed up asshole of a dad it's not like we have any good memories with a male guardian. Pop pop is different because he is mommy's dad so if she can trust him then he is okay.
After going back and forth 2 more times Damon leaves it and tells Riley to ask for help if he wants it.
"Russo can you help me" Riley whispers so Damon doesn't hear him.
"Well I don't know how to do it. Your ones are different because your smaller than me" He huffs. After attempting to do his clothes a few times he gives in and let's Damon do it.
"Pop pop" I say excitedly as I go down the stairs. I have to hold Damon's hand because I might fall but as soon as I get downstairs I run and jump right on pop pop.
"Are you ready for a day out with pop pop" I nod excitedly. Riley also nods but he misses mommy so it's a half sad half excited nod.
Pop pop prepares a stroller for Riley because Riley's legs get tired quicker than mine. Riley of course complained but pop pop said he didn't have to use it of he didn't want too. While pop pop was finishing getting ready he let us call mommy.
(Bold is Emily, normal is boys)"Hello? Dad?"
"No mommy it's us, Riley is here too" I giggle softly.
"Oh hey boys, how are you. You being good?"
"We are okay but I miss you lots mommy. And yeah we are being good. We are always good" I say proudly.
"Mama when yu comin home" Riley asks in a small whine.
"Well mommy is spending the day here and tomorrow here and I'm coming back tomorrow night so mommy will be home. The morning after"
"But that's so long" Mommy just laughs at Riley's comment, then we say goodbye because pop pop is ready to go.
Riley sits in his stroller because it's easier than walking for him. He is feeling really small today after seeing mommy. Pop pop takes us all the way to the beach!
It's so warm here and the sea is so beautiful. I want to go in it but pop pop said we are only enjoying the sights today and he will take me out another time. After seeing the beach he let's me play in the park, Riley can't play in the park because he is too little.
At the park there was someone I recognized. They had a little of their own who was with them and they let them go into the park. I froze, I can either ask to leave and miss out on park time or hope he doesn't see me...
I continue playing and act like I can't see him at all. I go on the swings and pop pop puts the stroller next to the swings so he can push me. I go up really really high! Another little comes on the other swing so pop pop alternates so we can both go super high. When I get off the swings the little looks at me with a smile.
"My name Tommy, Can we be fwiends" They ask me with a smile.
"I'm Russo and yeah that sounds fun" I smile. The person I knew started walking over... This couldn't be... Well shit.
"Russo, long time no see. You must be his caregiver, Yusef former roommate of Russo." Pop pop shakes his hand.
"Lovely to meet you but I'm just his pop pop, his mommy is away right now but she will be back soon" pop pop says with a smile. He takes Yusef's number and we leave the park. Pop pop takes us to a cafe next where I get a cake and a hot drink. Riley has a bottle of milk and cake but he doesn't eat it because he falls asleep.
"Pop pop, how come Riley is having such a hard time because mommy left" I ask him. As much as I missed mommy I wasn't acting out because of it.
"I think Riley is scared of people leaving him so he finds it hard to understand that your mommy has left but not forever" Pop pop explains which makes sense. After that I just enjoy my juice and cake, it's an Oreo cake and it's so yummy.
Pop pop then takes us on a walk through a big field with tons of flowers. Riley even wakes up so he can see them too pop pop said we can buy flowers for mommy if we want so I got mommy some big white daisy's, Riley got her pink tulips.
We went home after. I was so tired anyways, luckily pop pop is strong so he could carry me and push Riley's stroller. When we get home me and Riley put the flowers on the kitchen side for pop pop to clean up and put in a vase and we get taken upstairs for a nap.
I miss my boys, I miss them more than I thought I would but if I had brought them with me they would never see me the same...
I'm changing my clothes for the 3rd time today, 1st time I got dressed, 2nd time I spilt juice and this time Blood. The men here thought they could screw my dad over and get away with it, but after showing my point of view......I got nowhere... so I used my last resort.
"It's done, I'm coming home" is all I message my father. I'm coming home boys, I'll be with you soon.

Mama's Boy
Non-FictionIt's classification day for Riley. he is finally 18 but when he gets his results things turn for the worst quickly when he has to stay with his brother until he gets assigned a Caregiver. Emily is 20 and has been a Mommy without a little for 2 year...