*Emily POV*
When I thought I had list Riley everything felt surreal. My mum was panicking and I won't lie so was I... Me and mother went out to look for him and dad stayed home incase he made his way back. We checked the park first, looking in all the pieces of equipment. We heard a blood curdling scream so I followed it. I see a figure running away and there are too many people to get past.
The figure is gone. I really need to get that boy a phone so he can call me when this happens. I couldn't focus, my hearts racing... 'What if he is kidnapped' 'what if he gets removed from my care' 'what if I never find him'. It's starting to get dark so mum goes home but I can't rest knowing he could be out here on his own... I'm walking down street after street, soft rain starting to fall on my face and clothes. Im walking and walking for hours, sunlight finally peaks round so I walk back to the park... If he isn't there I will have to call the police.
There he was, curled up in the tunnel on the ground. Shivering with tear stained cheeks. I crawl inside and pick him up in a tight hug knowing he would fight me at first, when he calms down and looks up at me I tear up. He looks so grateful and happy to see me, his little arms wrapping round my neck, he is crying hard. I message my mum and I guess she was nearby because she was the first one right in his face asking a million questions. I shut her down and we get him home, ik talking about random things to Riley I don't even know what I'm talking about but he seems relaxed enough. I give him a bath that chase kindly ruins...
"Mommy" He whispers and I stop humming.
"What is it baby?" I whisper back, he rub his eye with his fist and yawns.
"I love you" he whispers back, kissing my cheek.
"I love you too, get some sleep little dove" and he falls asleep with his head on my shoulder as I hum softly. In my heart I knew he was happy I had found him. Ignoring the onesie I put one of my baggy shirts on him, giving it a gentle spritz of my perfume and layed him in the circular crib. I didn't have a second mobile so I just grabbed my tablet and put on a ten hour long video. Lights were off, baby monitor on.
Downstairs mother looked so upset and Dad seemed relaxed.
"I made soup, is he hungry" Dad asked serving up a bowl of soup for me.
"He has fallen asleep, let him rest for awhile. The play ground floor mustn't have been the best place to sleep for him" I sit down on the table island in the kitchen.
"Honey I want you to know how sorry I am" Her accent is thicker than usual. It always gets like that when she is upset. I knew she was upset but right now I wasn't in a place of forgiveness.
"Mother, it's not me you should be apologizing too first" Dad gives me some soup, it's basically like a soup version of spaghetti and meatballs with tomato sauce but I don't complain as it tastes nice.
It goes dead silent for awhile. I decide I would rather be in my room for the moment and take myself upstairs. Riley is still fast asleep. I lift him out his crib gently and sit in bed with him cradled on my lap, I pull a blanket over both of us and put my tv on a low volume.
Mum opens the door slowly, I didn't want to see her right now...
"Emily, you can't be mad forever. You haven't let me hold him since he got back" She complains walking further in.
"Since he got back, your making it sound like he just went for a walk. He went missing under your and dads supervision" I'm whisper shouting. Riley was asleep on my chest and I didn't want to wake him.
"He was barely gone, you are over reacting. You always do" Mum snaps, as annoyed as this made me I couldn't wake Riley. I lay him down and move my pillows round him so he doesn't fall off the bed. I grip my mother by her upper arm taking her out my bedroom, shutting the door behind me.
"Over reacting?! Barely gone?! Do you hear yourself. He might be eighteen but he has the mental age of a one to two year old, he is a baby mum what baby would you abandon in the middle of nowhere. He has never been looked after properly before, when I first met him he was crying in a police station because his brother was abusing him" I start yelling at her. I'm losing my temper at her inconsiderate words.
"I'm not the bad guy here Emily your father was there too so you cannot just blame me" She retorts.
"I haven't gotten to him yet but you won't just leave shit alone. Keep pushing and I will ban you from seeing Riley again. Am I clear" I didn't realize how loud I was yelling until I heard Rileys soft cries from my room. Dad had come upstairs to see what was going on.
"Em, what's going on. Why all the yelling" Dads between me and mum now with a hand on each of our shoulders.
"She won't leave this incident well enough alone. Both of you left my baby unattended and he ended up lost. Anything could have happened to him! All you had to do was watch him that's it and now he is too scared to be without me." My breaths feel heavy but I won't stop. "Mum, I haven't seen you in two years, no contact or anything. I needed you and you didn't come. I trust you with my only baby and you let him get lost. At least dad was here when I needed him"
I feel a gentle tug on my clothes, I look down and Riley is clinging to me with puffy red, teary eyes. His nose is running and his bottom lip is in a small pout.
"Nu bwame Granny n pop pop" He whines softly, sighing I take the corner of my already dirty shirt to wipe his face. Kissing his head gently, I pick him up and he rests his head on my chest.
"How about we get you something to eat my little prince" He nods gently and I walk past mum and dad. We make it to the kitchen, I try to out Riley down but he is very reluctant to let me go. "It's only for a few seconds while mommy gets you something to eat" I say kissing his cheek, he agrees and I get him a jam sandwich, grapes, crisps and a biscuit.
We sit on the couch together while he eats, my fingers gently combing his hair. Mum walks in with dad following close behind.
"I'm going, I'm sure you will see my side of things in time Emily. As for you little munchkin, I'll see you very soon" Mum coo's as Riley, she goes to kiss him goodbye but I bring him closer into me making it clear I didn't want her too. She leaves in a huff. Dad walks over slowly
"Hey little one, pop pop is very sorry you got lost today. It will never happen again okay" Dad talks to Riley first. Riley just smiles and nods. "And Emi I'm so sorry sweetie, when I noticed he was gone I went looking as soon as I could. It will never happen again and I hope that you can forgive me" Dad kisses my head gently then Rileys.
"Say bye bye to pop pop" Riley waves bye with a smile, turning round on the couch to watch dad leave which makes his plate fall on the floor. Chase was prompt in eating up what was left of Rileys food which I'm glad had no chocolate and no grapes left on it.
I had always been closer with my dad, I was an only child. My mother had always wanted a girl but we never really clicked. Me and my mother had always had a distance between us and I liked it that way, I wanted her to be close with Riley but if I have too I'll keep him as far away from her as I need too.

Mama's Boy
Non-FictionIt's classification day for Riley. he is finally 18 but when he gets his results things turn for the worst quickly when he has to stay with his brother until he gets assigned a Caregiver. Emily is 20 and has been a Mommy without a little for 2 year...