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You have no idea what daycare is like, Littles screaming, crying, breaking things and it's horrible. I didn't even lest longer than twenty minutes after Mommy left, they were going to call her but that nice lady, Stacy came to get me out.

I stayed with her all day and she let me have cookies, go in the spinning chair and play games on her laptop. Stacy is super nice, I think she is mommies friend and I hope she is because I want too see her more.

"So how was daycare" Mommy asks me as we get inside after a long day.

"Howwible, too many. Bad." Then I yawn loudly which makes mommy chuckle and take off my shoes, I hadn't taken a nap today and I was so tired.

"No more daycare then hm, mommy will get you a baby sitter" She kisses my cheek gently and takes me upstairs. I'm too tired to care really but mommy takes me up, changed my diaper and clothes. I don't really wear my own jammies anymore, I just wear mommies baggy shirts because they smell nice. This time she only put me in a diaper and took me too her room, laying me on her bare chest. Her skin is soft and warm on mine, her hair is fun to play with so I'm not bored. "I'm very proud of you Riley" mommy whispers in my ear, I think she thinks I'm asleep...

"Your such a good boy, mommy loves you very much." She is praising me quietly which makes me really really happy but I'm too tired to even move. I'm smiling softly as she starts to him afterwards, her humming is always gentle and soothing. Nobody had ever hummed to me before I met her but now I want it to never stop...

-the next dayyyy-

Mommy is getting herself ready in a similar pants suit to yesterday, she is wearing a beige one this time. She is waiting for the babysitter to arrive and has me in a blue soft onesie today with dark blue overalls with a whale on the front.

She opens the door and hugs the person, I'm hoping for Stacy but it's Charlie instead with his new little.

"Hey Em, this is summer" Charlie points to the girl next to him with curly brown hair and caramel skin. She waves eagerly at me.

"I Summer, hiiiiiiiiiiii" She says in a high pitched happy squeal.

"Well hello cutie, I'm Emily and this is Riley" Mommy introduced me a
But I just hide behind her slightly. I'm not a big people person so I didn't really want too meet her. I wave gently at her and she squeals, jumping to hug me. I scream and mommy picks me up so summer isn't near me, I cling to her neck tightly nuzzling my face into her.

"Sorry hun, he is just shy." Mommy protects me. I look down and summer looks sorry.

"Sowwy wiley" Summer says softly, I look at mommy and she nods. It's like she knows what I was thinking.

"Is okay" I say softly which makes her smile widely.

"Right, Charlie. His nap is at 1pm or he gets cranky. He loves fruit squeezes but no more than two a day or he will be sick. Milk before his nap but other than that you know the basics" mommy instructs him before kissing me goodbye and leaving. I didn't feel very little anymore now that it was just me, Charlie and summer.

"When will she be back" I ask which makes Charlie seem nervous, he ignored my question and suggested me and summer play upstairs. I reluctantly take her upstairs and to my nursery.

"What shall we play" I ask her softly as I take out some of my toys in a cubby.

"How abwout dinoswaur and pwincess." Summer says excitedly taking out some of my toys and playing. I'm moving the toys half heartedly as it's not really that fun.

Charlie comes in to check on us, "when is mommy coming home" I ask again, he chuckles nervously.

"So are you guys hungry" Charlie ignored my question again! That bastard. Summer excitedly nods and he picks her up, taking her downstairs. I slowly follow after them when I realize he isn't coming back. After lunch Charlie says it's time for my nap...

"I don't want a nap, I want to know when mommy is coming home" I ask him again pissed off.

"It's time for a nap bud, your tired" Charlie is avoiding my question... This doesn't feel right.

"Fine I'm going to bed" I huff so I can call mommy from her room. I go upstairs and go into mommies room instead, she leaves her office number and phone number in her bedside table.

"Hello this is Emily Daymen how can I help you" Mommies voice sounds very different when she answers the phone.

"Mommy? Can you come home? Charlie is mean and it's not right" I speak quietly because I don't want Charlie to hear me.

"Honey, oh my goodness, I wasn't expecting you but thanks for calling me honey. Im slightly busy right now but I'll be home as soon as possible okay" Her voice sounds a lot more worried now.

"No, mommy, something isn't right... Charlie is scaring me, I'm scared. Come home please I'm begging you don't leave me here alone with him" I'm trying not too cry, I want her to come home. The phone gets taken off of me from Charlie, well shit...

"Sorry Emily, he is just a bit nervous. I'll deal with it, no need to come home early... Yeah yeah I promise, okay bye now" Charlie says before hanging up the phone. "You just couldn't leave shit well enough alone could you" Charlie doesn't sound nice anymore. I knew shit was up!

"Oh come on babe, leave the kid alone. He isn't stupid" Summer comes in taking off all the littles stuff she had on. "Plus you know what we were meant to do. He will be here any second" She says and Charlie picks me up, throwing me in my crib. I hit my head hard on the back of it, next I see they are lifting a piece of furniture on top of it trapping me inside.

"Keep quiet or we will" Charlie warns and they leave the room... What an asshat. He left the phone on the cabinet next to my crib, my hands slip through the bars using my finger tips to edge the phone closer. When I finally get hold of the phone I press redial and mommy picks up. I leave the phone on the side as they come back in with an extra person...

"Russo, you prick, what the fuck. Why are you here, what do you want, why can't you just leave me alone" I start swearing and getting pissed off knowing mommy can hear this.

"Oh baby brother, your such a pathetic dumbass if you ever think you can be happy. Your mommy will pay good money to get you back so let's go" Russo smiles as the furniture is lifted up and despite my struggles I am lifted out the crib. "Say night night" he says before a cloth is pressed to my mouth, I'm fighting it but eventually it all fades to black...

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