Beach and old friends

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Today mommy told me to just relax so I wasn't allowed to do much. While I played she was brushing my hair gently and saying how I need a haircut or else I'll turn into a hairy monster and I don't want that.

Right now I'm watching paw patrol and colouring a picture for mommy. I recently got some new colouring crayons from Pop pop.

"Honey, I think later today we need to go over some rules okay" Mommy says.

"Bu ima good boy, don't need thoseeeee" I whine softly, mommy chuckles.

"I know you a good boy but we need rules to keep you safe." Which makes sense so I nod gently. She takes three sheets off one of the cabinets and puts them down in front of me. All three have a heart border. One has blue hearts, one has black and one has yellow/gold hearts.

The blue bordered sheet: Rules
1.never lie to mommy
2.always ask for help
3.have 3 meals a day
4.tell mommy about your feelings so mommy can help, no tantrums
5.always call Emily mommy or Ma'am
6.respect adults unless mommy says otherwise
7.always do as mommy says!
8.bedtime is at 9.30pm and nap time when mommy says so
9.ask permission before you do something. NOT run away from mommy

Black bordered one: Punishments
1.early bed time
2.time out
3.write lines
4.wash mouth with soap sweets bedtime story

Gold bordered one: Rewards
1.late bedtime
2.days out
3.extra playtime
4.extra sweeties
5.more toys
6.movies before bed and a story
7.more cuddle time

"Does it all seem fair and make sense" Mommy asks. She had clear spent a long time making this sheet as it was written in her neat handwriting and had heart stickers all round the edges creating a pretty boarder.

"Yeah, I like all the hearts mommy they are so pretty" Mommy smiles at me, I like it when she smiles. She picks up the sheet and laminates them because she doesn't want them 'ruined'. Then she puts then on pop pops fridge for now because we aren't going home yet.

"Mommy, cookie please" I ask, I could really do with a cookie.

"No Dove, you haven't even had breakfast yet" I stick my tongue out at the sound of breakfast. "What do you want for breakfast" Mommy asks I scrunch my face up.

"Nofin just cookie" I huff which makes her sigh at me. She crouches next to me but I don't look up at her.

"Honey, you can have a cookie after breakfast. What do you want for breakfast or do I have to put you in time out" Mommy warns but I don't care.

"NO" I slam my fists on the table, I don't want to go in time out but I want my cookie. Mommy is being so unfair! "Yous being not faiwr, no twime outta cookieeeeee" I cry over my drawing which mommy quickly saves from being ruined.

"Riley, I'm giving you one last chance to have some breakfast or you will have to sit in time out and you will not be having a cookie today. Do you understand" I nod as tears streak down my face. "Now what do you want for breakfast"

"Mommy pick" I respond not wanting a time out more than breakfast. Mommy gives a sigh of relief and picks me up, she makes me a yogurt with cut up fruit bowl and a slice of toast.

"Do you need some help eating baby" Mommy asks me. I nod and she feeds me spoonfuls of yogurt and fruit which makes me wiggle my feet happily. She even makes silly chomp noises when I bite down on the soft spoon which makes me giggle. "How about we go out today. I can take you to the beach"

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