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*Charlie POV*

Me and Em had been friends since we were 13. Best friends since 16 and now I live in her house until I can get back on my feet.

It was nice to see her happy, only if it was for a few days as she had always hoped for a little, spending everyday checking her phone in case she got the call and holding out hope. She finally got what she had wanted and was let down.

"He said what?!" I say when she tells me what had happened at Riley's apartment. Her eyes glossy with tears and her cheeks stained. I pull her into a hug tightly. I wanted to kill him, but I knew that would break Em's heart.

"Can you watch Leah, I need to do some shopping" I say as out hug breaks and I start towards the door. She calls for me but I'm already out the door and heading for my car.

The drive calms me slightly, luckily Riley's apartment wasn't too far from Em's house so I wasn't driving a lot especially since it was dark. I knock on his door and he answered to my surprise. He looked shocked to see me and Jesus was he short. I walk in without asking as I know he would turn me away. There is a moment of pure silence between us before he speaks.

"I'm sorry I said what I said to Emily" His voice sounded shakey and quiet. I sit down at the closest available chair so I can see his face better. His eyes were all puffy and red, his cheeks stained and his lips cracked. I sigh softly.

"Do you know why what you said hurt her so much" I ask him, he looks up at me and shakes his head no. "When Em was 18 she erm... She had a one night stand" I start as he just looks at me. No going back now.. "She fell pregnant but after a few months she miscarried. She had the nursery all set up and her heart was-was" I say, choking on my words as I start to cry. "When she was classified as a mommy Dom she was so excited and when she finally got you I had never seen her so happy... You have broken her heart Riley" tears are falling endlessly, I slam my fist down on the table and I see him flinch out the corner of my eye.

"I-I didn't know" Riley whispers holding his hands in front of him nervously.

"How would you, she never told anyone.. I don't care what you do but if your going to be in her life you better stay in it because I won't watch her heart break a third time. So make your choice" I sigh, standing up and leaving making sure to slam the door behind me.

Just as I'm about to get in my car I hear footsteps running towards me, I turn round and it's Riley...

"CHARLIE WAIT" He calls out to me so I wait for him to get to me. He catches his breath before talking. "Take me with you please... I miss her" he whispers which shocks me. After all that fighting he missed her? I can see why he is a little... He is cute. I get him in the back seat of the car and drive us back. He is sat in Leah's booster seat which he doesn't seem to mind, I notice him sucking on his fingers but I decide to let Emily baby him when we get back because I know she has missed him so much already.

As soon as the car pulls up Emily opened the door and her eyes widened when she saw Riley. She ran towards the car, opening the door and picking Riley up. Holding him in a close hug. Both of them crying and Riley apologizing over and over and over.

*Emily POV*

As soon as I saw the car I couldn't believe it, he came back. I couldn't wait, it's like my instincts kicked in and I ran. As soon as he is in my arms tears flood my eyes. Him apologizing a million times over. I think he is slipping as his 'sorries' turn to 'sowwies' but I don't mind.

Looking up and Charlie is smiling at me so I smile back, I take Riley inside and sit on the couch holding him to me. Humming in his ear seems to help as he calms down.

He starts to drift to sleep so I whisper "I love you Riley" in his ear.

"love you mommy" he says under his breath, no louder than a whisper. Only for me to hear and that was enough... I don't know what Charlie said to him or what made him want to come back but I didn't care. He was my baby and I would never drive him away again.

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