-mention of breastfeeding-
*Emily pov*
I had decided to do skin to skin with him after he found peek-a-boo the most exciting thing in the world. He had clearly slipped very young and wasn't speaking so I just let him lay on my body, I would talk to him about rules and things before the association took him away or anything. When I was sure he was fully asleep I swaddle him in a blanket so he didn't hurt himself in this very young mind space, I kiss his head and lay him in the crib. In my room was at least 5 packages I hadn't opened because I didn't have time...
First box was a mobile I ordered with white clouds dangling from a blue frame. As he was asleep I just installed it above him quietly. When he started to whine a little I flicked on the mobile which sent him back to sleep... At least it worked.
Next were the baby rails. They were a lot harder to install but after thirty long minutes of blood, sweat and tears they were installed. One at the top of the stairs and another at the bottom. The final box was the biggest. I had brought a new crib for him because the other one was old. I was going to have one crib for his bedroom and one crib for my room so that I could be closer too him. I take out the parts and instructions. This crib was different to the one he already had, this one is a circular crib with white bars but no hearts round it. Piece by piece the crib starts too look like one and I set it up in my room. The mattress for it is soft, so I put a blue cover on it and grab one of Leah's old pillows. Changing the case of the pillow to a regular white one.
Just as I thought I could go to bed the baby monitor has a wiggling, whining baby on it who needs my attention. I go to his nursery and pick him up. He is like a little crying burrito in my arms.
I check his diaper, nothing. I check if he is hungry with a fruit squeeze, nothing. I check if he wants to play, nothing. I cannot for the life of me figure out why he is crying. I check his temperature... Burning hot... I take him to my room, removing his blanket so he just had his diaper. I take a cold strip from my bedside table and put it on his head. His crying subsides to soft whimpers.
"There little dove, is that better" I ask him in a soft coo. He nods gently and reaches his hands up to me, I pick him up and rub his back.
It has been awhile since he has eaten so I should probably get him too eat. But when I bring the fruit squeeze to his lips he refuses, he is too small to have anything other than puree right now and I have no ready made milk to give him. I finally get him back to sleep in my bed, while he is asleep I pick up the letter he had found earlier taking the sheet on the back.
Would you like lactation pills:
Yes noPhone number-
Little name-
Little age-
Your name-
Your age-
_________________I circle yes, filling in all the necessary information before putting it in an envelope, signing it off and leaving it on my desk.
I climb back into bed with Riley, he is still so sick and cuddles into me. I kiss his head and fall asleep.
He wakes me up early the next morning with him wiggling at the bottom of my shirt. My shirt was slim fit so there wasn't a lot of room for him to wiggle underneath, I take it off and he cuddles right into me. I manage to put on a baggy shirt over me and Riley so he doesn't have too move.
I support him underneath his bum so I can carry him, putting on slippers so I can bring the letter to the post box at the end of my road. There are 2 postboxes, a red one and a white one. The white one is for the association so I put the letter through the slot and heading home.
Only an hour after being home, Riley was sitting on the couch occasionally looking over at me to make sure I was still there. The pills arrived in a big white bottle.
Pills will induce breast milk.
Take two a day.
Side effects may include:
erectile dysfunction or rash.
Milk will start forming after first few days.
Check with doctor if any concernsHappy feeding!
The bottle read on the label. I take out two of the many circular white tablets. Taking two, they taste bland but I didn't mind. In the same package as the pills were these shots with a note.
Shots will shorten waiting time, only use for late start breastfeeding. Pills also needed.
I sigh and put my arm on the table and stick the needle in, it didn't hurt alot but I think my poor baby is afraid of needles because he started to cry as I put it in. When I was done with it I go to him.
"Look I'm okay, don't cry sweet prince" I say softly as I rub his back. He calms down as I comfort him, he is so sweet...
*3 days later*
I had ran out of shots so I assume I am done with those. All I need to do is consistently take the pills. My breasts went up a bra size because of this, in three days so clearly it was working. I haven't been able to use my milk yet because they have only just gotten full enough.
Riley had eaten minimal amounts over the past few days. Rarely being out of little space, even when he was big he wanted cuddles and kisses.
It was getting late and I needed to put him to bed... I was holding him in the rocking chair, humming twinkle twinkle little star. He started to whine so I stopped humming.
"What's wrong little one, are you wet" he shakes his head "cold" he shakes his head again "hungry" he nods. "Well let me go make you a bottle" I say going to get up and he whines loudly. "Well baby I just need to pump, it will be two minutes" I try to reason but he just whines louder and starts to cry. I sigh softly knowing I had lost this battle. Adjusting him to a cradle position, pulling out my breast and guiding it to his lips he latched on gently. After a few sucks he got into a rhythm, he seemed so relaxed, calm and small in my arms. I had never breastfead before but I could only describe it as magical, it was a moment with just the two of us. Me and him and no-one else...

Mama's Boy
غير روائيIt's classification day for Riley. he is finally 18 but when he gets his results things turn for the worst quickly when he has to stay with his brother until he gets assigned a Caregiver. Emily is 20 and has been a Mommy without a little for 2 year...