snow in the summer

618 10 13

Emily POV

When we finally get there it's a big white building in the middle of fucking nowhere.

Nothing around for miles.. Isolated.

Away from my darling boys
Away from my boyfriend
Away from my baby girl

The whole thing is just so hazy, I'm not even fully mentally here as I'm dragged by my arm into the building. Too tired to fight, letting tears roll down my face slowly. Not even bothering to wipe my eyes.

When we get in my clothes are practically ripped off my body, stopped down to nothing. Hosed down with cold water that hurt as it hits my skin. Bruising me and marking my skin.

I'm given these plain white, simple clothes and simple shoes to match that slip on and off my feet. Everything in this facility is grey or white..

All the hallways are the same, full of rooms and rooms and rooms. People banging on doors, screaming, crying, rocking themselves to sleep. There are different areas..

My room is empty aside for a mattress and a pillow with no case.. The door is locked behind me and I guess there is nothing left to do but sleep.

-3 weeks later-

I have started to get to know the people. When I flirt with some guards I get extra things. I now finally have a phone to contact my family.

I sit on my bed as the door opens and the only friend I have strolls in. "Ooo you have a phone I see. So did you put out for it like pop a titty or something"

"Oh my god shut up. No I did not pop a titty out" we laugh and she plants herself next to me. She has a septum  piercing and a half shaved head with dyed red hair, looks like fire and though I am jealous of her looks I know I could never pull it off.

"Do you think they miss me?" I ask softly as I type in the number to my dad.

"Who fucking wouldn't. Only known you for 3 weeks and time apart is agony" she makes a fake sniffling sound and I punch her arm. "Do it again, I like it roughhhhh"

"Fuck you"

"I wish" we laugh and I take a deep breath and ring the number. Hearing my dad's voice healed me a little.. He told me all about the kids and how they are.

Apparently I have been missed and he won't rest till I'm out which brings me hope.. He gives me the house phones number and as soon as I hang up I am ringing my phone again. (Ri = Riley, Ru = Russo, D = Damon, L = Leah & E = Emily)

"Who the fuck is this" - Ru

"Russo? Honey... It's mama" - E


The background noise makes me laugh.. It's like I'm there with them. All my kids sound big right now but still knowing my babies miss me warms my heart...

"Mom, I love you so so much.. Hope your well and stay strong. Beat the shit outta anyone who tries anything" - Ru

"Hey Momma, your amazing and I miss you and love you lots... Whe  you get home please teach me how to cook because I tried and nearly burned our house mkay love you byeeeee" - L

"Beautiful, hang in there we are gonna get you out. I love you with all my heart" - D

"I love you too darling" - E

I wait for Riley's voice.. I'm waiting and the silence has never been so loud..

"Momma?" - Ri

"Hey Dove" - E

"You're... You're gonna get our right..." - Ri

"Yeah... Of course baby" - E

"I love you momma.. Don't leave me okay... " - Ri

"I love you too dove.." - E

I hang up the phone so it doesn't get taken from me... Hearing their voices fills me with hope. Hope of leaving here... Getting free and seeing them again.

"You know leaving here is like... Snow in the summer. It's not gonna happen and of it does it will sure as fuck not be normal" Ivy says softly..

I know my chances are 1-100 but... I take that risk. My kids need me and I need them. Fuck anyone who tries to stand in my way..

Name: IvyAge: 30Sexuality: lesbian (sweet girly types) Likes: Emily (best friend) and being awesomeDislikes: Pervy men

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Name: Ivy
Age: 30
Sexuality: lesbian (sweet girly types)
Likes: Emily (best friend) and being awesome
Dislikes: Pervy men.

Ivy has her own story line as well which will intertwine with this one!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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