As soon as we get home Damon helps me with the kids. Leah runs up to him and bursts into tears, Russo is still unconscious...
Riley hasn't let go of me since I freed his arms poor thing.. I carry Riley inside while Damon carries Leah and Russo. "Shower Leah, I'll change Russo and get him to bed. Riley can have a shower then breakfast" I say to Damon. I lock the car and he locks the front door.
Damon takes Leah upstairs into the bathroom, her and Riley's cries break my heart but I'm too focused to stop. Riley holds my hand as I carry Russo, taking deep breaths so I struggle less. Riley hugs onto my waist while I change Russo, his diaper is filthy, his clothes are covered in dirt and his skin has a few bruises.
I use a few baby wipes to clean the dirt off his skin. I can bath him later. I change his diaper, his clothes and swaddle him. Cradle him in my arms so I can lay him on my bed... Why does every person that's out for me make me scared of putting my own babies in bed.
Leah and Damon walk in, Well Damon walks. Leah is wrapped in a towel in Damon's arms. He sits her on the end of the bed and dries her gently with the towel. I pick Riley up and bring him to the shower, checking the water before taking his clothes off. He whines softly as I put him under the water.
I gently wash his body, I hear him whince and feel him flinch each time I go over a bruise. He seems to have the most out of all of them. My poor Dove, I'm so sorry I didn't come sooner.
As soon as he is done I bundle him up in a towel. Gently rubbing him dry when we get to my room. Damon and Leah are already cuddled up in bed. Russo has been moved to the portable crib in our room. I get Riley dressed and get into bed too. Riley on my lap all cuddled up and safe.
"Mama nu weave me e'er" Riley whines clinging to me with no sign of letting go. Not that I ever wanted him to let go.
"Don't worry, mama is always here for you little Dove" Riley sinks into my arms. I see the bags under his eyes, I rub his back and hum softly. His whines and resistance to sleep eventually stop and are replaced by his gentle sleeping breaths.
Leah has fallen asleep as well. Damon gets out of bed and goes to make us brunch, too late to be breakfast. When he comes back up he has two plates of pancakes in hand. He puts them on the bedside table.
"You can stop worrying so much Love, they are home and safe. You saved the day again" Damon assures me but I just can't relax... They were all taken right under my nose, poor Riley this is the second time I have let this happen...
"I-I just can't believe I let them be taken..." I let out a sob, hugging Riley closer. His head resting in the crook of my neck as I let soft silent tears roll down my cheeks. Damon kisses my head, resting his forehead on the side of my head.
"Your an amazing Mama to all three of them. Its not your fault. I love you, don't put yourself down like this" I turn to face him, he wipes my tears away with his thumb and kisses me. I can't help but give a small smile.
I lean into his body, my head landing on his chest sideways as I continue to hold Riley. He lifts Leah up so her head is in his lap, allowing us to sit closer together.
"I just don't want to get there too late... What if one day I can't save them..." I look at the two sleeping babies in our lap.
A small whine comes from Russo. I lay Riley down and pick up Russo. He babbles softly and squirms slightly in my arms.
"It's okay baby, mama is here." I rub his cheek with my index finger, he stirs for a while longer before opening his eyes to look at me. "Your safe now honey"
"Mama owie" his voice is hoarse as he speaks. I carry him downstairs making him warm milk with honey to soothe his throat. I feed it to him gently, cradling him close.
I take him back upstairs and sit in bed with Russo and Riley laying in my lap both of them laying on my chest. My breaths becoming slower as I relax knowing my babies are safer.
"Pancake?" Damon asks me, he has a piece of pancake on the end of his fork, it hits my cheek first and we both laugh.
He feeds me the fluffy pancake, the taste of syrup is so nice. Russo finishes his bottle and let's out a burp, letting the bottle slide down onto the bed. He wiggles a hand out to play with my hair while Damon feeds me pancake.
Eventually Russo falls asleep on my chest, I kiss his head and Damon puts a pacifier in his mouth. I'm too scared to put them down... I'm scared that I'll close my eyes and they will be gone again.
"Sleep dear, I'll stay up" Damon assures me. I lean into him more, I take a deep breath and melt in his arms, falling asleep almost instantly.
He kisses my forehead gently and we all lay in bed.

Mama's Boy
Non-FictionIt's classification day for Riley. he is finally 18 but when he gets his results things turn for the worst quickly when he has to stay with his brother until he gets assigned a Caregiver. Emily is 20 and has been a Mommy without a little for 2 year...