mama mama

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-TW: blood, obsession, violence-

I told the boys I wouldn't be home till tomorrow. I'm glad I'm coming back early. Don't think I could spend a second more away from them... The journey back felt too long.

When I get home it's still late. 3am, I don't bother to unpack. There is a package left by the front door. Must be the boys photo's, I take them out and look at my handsome boys in their suits. I hang them up on the wall by the stairs where there were already nails.

I trudge up the rest of the stairs. My breaths sounding loud in the silence, my door creaks as I open it. Both boys asleep in my bed, I quickly change and pick up Riley. Laying him on my chest as I get in bed, Wrapping an arm round Russo. Shutting my eyes.

"Mama" Riley whines softly.

"Yes dove" I answer on instinct. I feel him hug my neck tightly. Luckily not tight enough to hurt but rather tight.

"Mama" he squeals and I rub his back gently. He slowly loosens his grip and relaxes in my arms. Sitting up I open my eyes more, Russo is still asleep but Riley looks up at me with big blue eyes full of excitement.

I carry Riley downstairs to make myself a coffee. He clings to me as if I would disappear if he let go. Small steps shuffle into the kitchen, I feel arms go round my waist tightly. Russo has burried his face in my stomach with his arms holding onto me. I kiss his forehead gently and take a sip of my coffee.

"Oh your back. I work hug you but you clearly were missed a lot" Damon chuckles, I smile back at him. Leah pounces on his back which makes him topple over.

"Your bad at piggyback daddy" Leah rolls her eyes and gets off Damon. She walks up to me and cuddles at my side. "How was your trip Emi" she asks me with a soft smile.

"It was good thank you bug" Damon groans as he stands back up.

"So she gets a nice hello and I get attacked" Damon says with a soft smile, Leah giggles mischievously and runs back up to him with her arms up. He manages to pick her up and hold her this time which Leah enjoys.

"Not that I feel like we need him to be here but where is Charlie" I ask softly. All the little ones shrug and we all look at Damon.

"Should be in his room if he isn't trying to escape again. I'll go check be ready to run if he isn't in his room" Damon puts Leah down and trudges downstairs. I could run with Riley on my hip so I'm not as worried. "He has run into the garden" Damon says with a sigh.

I look out the window and he is (not so sneakily) trying to leave my property by jumping over my garden wall... He is half the height of it so I'm not worried about him possibly running away. I walk out into my garden, speed walking towards him. He starts to clearly panic and is frantically trying to climb the flat wall.

"Don't you get tired of getting caught and getting your ass whooped" I say as he turns round slowly. I grab his wrist and I have to practically drag him back inside.

Damon sighs when Charlie is brought back indoors and the door is locked behind him. "Again, charlie?" Damon sounds disappointed. Charlie folds his arms.

"I didn't do anything wrong." Charlie mumbles softly.

"Upstairs" Damon points to the stairs and Charlie trudges up the stairs slowly. "That boy, he gets on my last nerve" Damon sighs, Leah hugs his waist which makes him smile softly.

"We can always give him more syrum" I suggest.

"I'll think about it, I just want him to stop fucking fighting me on everything" Damon says with a pissed off tone.

"Daddy you said a no no word. You need a spanking" Leah says chuckling softly.

"Daddy doesn't get spankings princess, I'm allowed to say adult words" Damon chuckles back.

Damon goes upstairs and deals with Charlie, afterwards Riley goes upstairs because he wants to get his blanket.


I go upstairs for my blanket. Charlie is crying in my room which doesn't stop me from going into my own room for my blanket. He is sat on the floor holding something that I can't see, I look over his shoulder.

It's pictures, pictures and pictures and pictures of Emily... Some have other people on it but their eyes are scratched out with hearts drawn by Emily.

I suddenly didn't want my blanket anymore. I was feeling something I had never felt before, it felt like disgust but a million times worse. I wrap my hands round his throat and shove his head into my crib. He falls backwards and looks up at me with wide eyes.

"R-riley, it's not what you think" I get on top of him and my hands tighten round his throat. His body is thrashing under me and his hands are trying to pull me off him.

I loosen my hands and start hitting his face, my fists have blood on them but I don't stop, I can't stop. The way he was looking at her in those photo's as of he hungered for her.

"Die you worthless bastard" I murmur under my breath. He has stopped moving under me, he isn't doing anything... "Oh no, what did I do... MAMA MAMA" I scream put as hot tears stain my cheeks.

Mama comes upstairs shortly and picks me up, Damon takes Charlie Inna different room. I can't stop crying, I feel horrible inside.

"Don't worry buddy, Charlie is okay. He just needs rest" Damon says softly which makes me feel less shit about myself.

"Why did you hit him baby, tell mama why you did it" Mama says in a sweet tone. I point to the pictures which she picks up slowly. There are pictures of mama sleeping, eating, walking, breastfeeding. All of them with Everyone but Mama scratched out. It feels wrong, obsessive...

Mama puts the photo's down and starts to clean my bloodied hands gently... I'm not a violent person but a part of my wishes I had killed Charlie when I had the chance.

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