*Emily POV*
маленький ребенок
The only phrase of Russian I knew, it meant little baby. My mother would always call me her little baby in Russian in hopes I would pick up the language and learn but I never did...My mother was just in awe of Riley, the dog was unexpected but accepted after he offered to help look after it.
"Next I'm going to teach him бабушка моя любимая" My mothers accent is thick but understandable.
"And what does that mean" I ask her sitting down beside her.
"Ah ah ah, it is a fact and that's all you must know" She tuts before getting up and inspecting my house.
I pop the phrase into google translate. 'Granny is my favorite'
"oh ha ha old woman, I found out what your horrible phrase meant" I call out to her. Such a meanie she is, I'm surprised she was the submissive out of her and my dad."Wait until my маленький ребенок (little baby) calls me his favorite, won't be so cocky then" She tuts before hobbling round my kitchen like the gremlin she is. "Where is the munchkin. Bring him down" She huffs wanting Riley back.
"He is napping, leave him be" I sigh going on my phone. I didn't even notice my mum had made her way upstairs until I heard her on the baby monitor. I think Riley was already awake so it wasn't too bad. When I get upstairs she has already lifted him up and onto her lap in the rocking chair.
"Mummy" Riley wiggles out of my mothers arms leaving her in fake shock. Riley was wobbling towards me, taking slow wobbly steps with his arms out. I crouch down and pick him up as he reaches me.
"You little traitor, I thought I was your favorite" Mum tuts jokingly making Riley giggle and hide in my neck.
"Looks like he is a mama's boy till the very end old woman." I stick my tongue out and she scoffs. Such a grumpy old woman she is. It's good to know that I'm the favorite of the two or else there would be some problems.
"Mother, how long are you staying" I ask her as we get to the kitchen.
"Oh not long, I'm going to be seeing your father and then maybe my siblings" mother sits down with a soft smile. Her and Father divorced when I was 18, it never affected me though because it wasn't a hateful end it wasn't working with them anymore. My father stayed nearby but my mother moved back to Russia. Of course she came back just to see her grandson though.
Me and mother were chatting about Russia and all the beautiful things it had to offer, I might even take Riley there one day. But then conversation came to a swift end when the door was knocked hard. Mother goes to open it as im holding Riley. It was my father, a 6"2 man with black hair slicked to the side and toned skin compared to my mother's fair skin.
"Sylvia" He said hugging my mother. She smiled at him. "Is that him? My goodness he is tiny" my dad had spotted Riley and was walking towards us with long strides. He picked up Riley with ease. Luckily Riley didn't seem to mind being picked up by a man he just met.
"Riley this is pop pop" mum says which makes dad cringe.
"Pop pop? Why not grandpa that's a lot more normal" dad says "Riley what do you prefer, pop pop" he makes a disgusted face which causes Riley to giggle. "Or grandpa" he smiles as Riley thinks.
"Pop pop" Riley giggles mischievously as dad pretends to be in shock, to get his revenge dad tickles Riley till he is gasping for breath. "MUMMY, GRANNY HELP" He is in a fit of laughter, mum is small but mighty as she takes Riley off dad, swatting his hand away.
"Pop pop is so cruel isn't he маленький ребенок (little baby)" Mum kisses his cheek and he nods.
"Meanie" Riley says with a giggle sticking his tongue out at dad.
I can't help but laugh as all this happens. Out of his two grandparents he clearly has a favourite, I think the dog swayed his choice.
"How about we go to the park" Mum says to Riley making him giggle and bounce. I help him get his shoes on, too warm for a coat but I pack his diaper bag and set up the stroller that I had packed away just incase.
"We will be back" my dad says as him and mum take Riley out the door. Before I close the door Riley wobbles up to me giving me a big hug and when I bend down he kisses my cheek.
"Bye dove, be safe" I say in his ear kissing his head before he runs back to mum and dad. I close the door and go upstairs. I didn't realize how tired I was until my head hit the pillow and I was out like a light.

Mama's Boy
Non-FictionIt's classification day for Riley. he is finally 18 but when he gets his results things turn for the worst quickly when he has to stay with his brother until he gets assigned a Caregiver. Emily is 20 and has been a Mommy without a little for 2 year...