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*Emily POV*

It was early morning, I had let Riley fall asleep in my bed again. Holding him close but when it got to around 3am I was woken up to sobbing and harsh sickness.

Riley had thrown up everywhere and was crying uncontrollably. My heart broke seeing him in so much pain hut I didn't have time to focus on that, I rush to the nearest phone calling an ambulance, I wouldn't be as worried but he hasn't stopped since I woke up.

We get to the hospital for 4am, he has stopped throwing up but he seems so pale almost like a ghost. Doctors take him into a seperate room to look him over and I'm told to wait, I'm pacing back and forth trying not too cry.

I don't know whats wrong, did I feed him something or is my milk tainted... Is he just sick. All these thoughts make me feel so dizzy.

"Miss Daymen" The Doctor puts a hand on my shoulder, I didn't even see him enter the waiting room but that's not my priority.

"How is he, he isn't too sick is he. Please tell me he is okay" I'm holding my hands together so tightly my nails are piercing my skin slightly. Small droplets of blood falling onto the white hospital floor.

"He will be perfectly fine, we believe it's just a food issue. He told us he wasn't used to eating a lot and now he is having three meals a day so it's very normal to get sick if that happens. We can give him stomach acid tablets but other than that try to ease him onto three meals" Relief washes over me and I'm smiling through teary eyes.

"Can I see him now?" I ask and the Doctor nods telling me where to go. As soon as the doctor walks off I'm jogging to Riley's room. I finally get to his room and I sit in a chair right by his side. Taking his hand in mine and kissing it gently. He slowly wakes up and you can tell he is sick, his eye bags are big and his skin is very pale... He looks dead.

"Mommy" he says tiredly and I let out a small broken chuckle.

"Hey dove. Your gonna be okay, mommy's right here" I am whispering so that I don't hurt his ears. He is barely opening his eyes so I turn off the main light. Turning on a lamp and sitting back beside him, his blue eyes wide open as he looks at me. As if in disbelief I was even here.

"Your here for me" He says in a soft whimper, I chuckle softly through worried tears.

"Of course I am baby, I'm not going anywhere I promise. Your just a little sick right now but your going to be okay. We have to stay here tonight so the doctors can look after you and make sure your okay to go home but I'm gonna be right here with you...okay?" I'm squeezing his hand a little which makes him smile, I can tell he isn't little but he is always my baby in my heart. There wasn't enough room for me to sleep next to him so I just had my chair directly next to the bed with the back facing the door so I could look at him.

His hand in mine and my head by his legs. We fall asleep next to each other in the hospital, I wasn't going to leave his side not even for a second.

When it got to morning the nurse came in early, Riley was still asleep but I woke up when she came in.

"Can I hold him or take him home now" I'm growing impatient, I just want to hold him or something... Anything.

"Just let me unplug him and you can hold him Miss Daymen" The nurse takes out the first needle which wakes Riley right up. You could tell he was feeling better as he is screaming this whole building down, he is trying to get all the needles out himself which is really unsafe so I have to hold him down so the nurse can do it. When she is done she leaves really quick, can't say I blame the poor girl.

I pick him up and sit on the bed, stroking his hair and shushing him gently. When he starts to calm down I put my legs up on the bed, laying back with him in my arms. He is trying to pull down my shirt so I take out my breast and allow him to feed. As much as I work never publicly breast feed, I needed this closeness with him right now so I don't care. His breathing is ragged from crying so much but he seems to calm down as he feeds. The doctor comes in and asks to see him for a quick check up.

He whines as I sit him on the bed and away from me. I pick up the blanket on his bedside table and cover my chest with it so I'm a bit more covered.

After being given the all clear I take Riley home, after putting my boobs away of course. When we get home I make sure to bath him, change his diaper, dress him and feed him. After he is all taken care of I take him up to bed, I swaddle him in a blanket with one of my shirts on his pillow like a pillow case so he has my scent with him. He is out like a light, poor thing. I make sure to turn him too his side so that if he throws up again he doesn't choke.

He is okay, I tell myself as I smile down at him.

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