Chaos - Part 2

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Mommy had spent all day with Riley yesterday which wasn't fully fair but I guess I had a day with just me and her...

Mommy told us she is going away on business and I got upset, I just don't want her to go... She got me a blanket that says Russo & mommy which I adore.

((That's what the blanket looks like) It has Russo & Mommy hand sewn on the top right corner on the white bit

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((That's what the blanket looks like)
It has Russo & Mommy hand sewn on the top right corner on the white bit. Later on I was relaxing downstairs, avoiding Charlie because all he wants to talk about recently is the past and I don't want to be like that anymore.

Anytime I'm near him I'm scared Mommy will hear and then she will think I never changed but I have. "When are we doing this Russo, I'm getting impatient" Charlie stops me in the hallway. I know mommy is in her room packing with the door open, I don't want her to hear.

"I-im not, I don't want too anymore" I say in a quiet whimper. I want mommy with me but I know if she hears she will never trust me again...

"What do you mean, don't pussy out. Don't you need money, I need Emily and Riley is in the way. If your going to be in my way too I'll get rid of you" Charlie warns, he has an unhealthy obsession with Emily. He thinks about her every night, thinking perverse things about her...

"I don't need money, I need a family. A mother, I have Emily as a mother. I have Riley as a brother. Why don't you join us, maybe you'll like it instead of trying to be a dick about it." I'm trying to stay big so I don't seem like a baby when I'm trying to talk to him.

"You pussy" Charlie pushes me to the floor, my head is pounding. He straddles me close to my neck, he hits my face which causes me to scream in pain. The blows keep coming.

"YOUR A FUCKING BITCH RUSSO, A BITCH AND YOU KNOW IT" Charlie is screaming and crying with fists still hitting me repeatedly. Mommy lifted Charlie up and off me as fast as she could. I scrambled to my feet and moved as far away from Charlie as possible which Riley did the same.

"What's going on up here?" Damon asks.

"I was with Riley and all of a sudden Charlie was hitting Russo in the hallway" Mommy sighs. Damon takes Charlie's hand firmly.

"Sorry Em, he has a habit of acting out but I'll deal with him" Charlie immediately goes from very brave to very scared.

"NO, I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY! PLEASE DON'T SPANK ME AGAIN, IT HURTS" I don't even try to stop it. It's what he deserves, bastard...

When mommy hugs me I burst into tears. My face is so sore, mommy says something but I don't hear it. She is holding me close and kissing my cheeks lovingly.

"Honey why was he hurting you, what  started it?" Mommy asks me softly as I start to calm down. I don't know what to say... Do I tell the truth or... But she will never trust me again.

"I-I don't know..." I lie softly she looks sympathetically and strokes my cheeks with gentle affectionate strokes.

"My poor baby, does your head hurt" I nod gently,trying not to cry more. I already feel like an idiot for being pushed around and needing somebody to clean me up. Mommy gently dabs my head to clean my cut. Putting a plaster over it gently.

Mommy even makes sure to clean my diaper because I wet myself a little bit. I feel so silly. I get all sniffly and teary, I want to tell mommy about everything but I know she will hate me and never talk to me again, I hate myself.

I hate myself for what I did, what I had planned on doing, what I thought about when she did nothing but love me. I feel myself being eaten up inside by my own feelings and hurt.

I feel like I'm going to die, my brain is burning, my cheeks are sore, my eyes are puffy and red. I'm so tired and I feel horrible. Like guilt is eating away at me bit by bit... Looking Emily in the eyes just makes it all worse. I push myself away from her and leave the room quickly, shutting my bedroom door behind me which makes me burst into uncontrollable sobs. Looking at the room around me makes me cry more, the time that went into this room. My name is even painted above my bed and there are toys flowing out of baskets.

My blanket, I pull it in and hug it. 'Russo & Mommy' I love my mommy, I would hate for her to leave me and I feel terrible I have done this to her.

I fall asleep on the floor. My blanket is so soft and comfy I can't help but fall asleep. I open my eyes and I'm laying in my bed, not where I fell asleep... There is a note on my bedside table, I take it and open it.


Charlie told me everything, I don't know if it's true but if it is I know you have changed. Though I am slightly hurt by your actions I know that now your different... I love you always & forever.

Much love
Mommy x

I read the letter once, twice, three times. She knows and still loves me... Damon walks in to see me crying.

"Go away, where is mommy" I say through tears.

"Your mommy is getting in her taxi to leave now, she is leaving for her business trip" I jump out of bed and run down stairs. Luckily the baby gates were left open so I didn't have to wait. I open the door... "Mommy wait"

She turns to face me, her lips curling into a smile as she opens her arms. I rush down the steps and the garden walkway and leap into her arms. She holds me close, kisses my cheek. "I love you honey" She says in my ear.

"I love you too mommy" I say back as she let's me down and gets in the car. Riley holds my hand as mommy's car drives off. She waves at us and we wave back. I'll miss her...

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