Big Bad Bitch is Back (1/2)

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-TW: mention of torturing, threat-

It's 6am, me and Damon get out of bed quietly and go downstairs. Down further into the dank basement, Charlie's hair wet with sweat, tear stained cheeks and red around his throat where the metal clasp rests.

"E-Emily... Please" He whimpers as he reaches out a hand.

"Get your hand away from me or lose it" I threaten which makes his hand drop to his side weakly. He looks tired, not that I cared. Both the bowls still full meaning they were untouched, no water or food for 2 days can do things to a person... "You had your chance at redemption, you could have spent your days cradled up but you did this to yourself"

He let's out a soft sob as he shifts uncomfortably. He is sitting in his own filth after all, the chains clink with each movement. His breaths are more like pants due to his tired state.

I kick the bowl of food closer to him slightly making it knock over and food spill out. He reaches out and pulls the bowl closer with the little bits of dog food on it. I had never seen anyone so happily eat dog food, I nudge the water closer too. I don't want him to die, but I don't want him to feel alive either...

"Thank you" he sighs and gasps for breath slightly after chugging the water down. 'Don't thank me just yet' I think to myself as he sits back with a content look. It's already 7am, Me and Damon make our way back upstairs. The chains start to clink frantically.

"WAIT, WAIT PLEASE. I'M SORRY DON'T LEAVE ME DOWN HERE AGAIN" Charlie calls out in a fearful scream as we walk upstairs and lock the door. The key is put in my office on a high up shelf so none of the little ones could grab it.

"Mama" Riley says from behind me making me jump as I'm putting the key back, it falls on the floor.

"Yes Dove, what is it?" I ask him deciding the key can wait.

"Whoopsie" He says pointing at the door. He leads me out my office and I to my room where he spilled a drink that was on my bedside table. Luckily just water so it isn't hard to clean up.

"Mommy" Russo says as I finish cleaning the mess. I turn round and he has dirt on his jammies. He must have been out in the garden and I think it rained last night...

"Honey, mommy has told you not to go in the garden with your jammies on." I sigh softly as I think about the wash I have to put on now...

"Sorry mommy, I forgots and the mud looked fun" Russo says in a soft whine like tone. I remove his dirty clothes and pick out new ones. He insists on putting on his own clothes so I leave him to it.


"Can we stop screaming please little bug, I can wash your blanket. But no more screaming do you understand?" Leah nods as I take her blanket. Damon sighs softly as he See's me sort it, we share a short kiss as I walk past him as a sign of his gratitude.

I put on a wash when I get back up I notice Riley is holding something shiny, it kind of looks like a... Shittttt

"Riley, can mama have that please" He looks up at me holding the key to the basement tightly in his little hands.

"Nuuu, mine mama" He whines holding it tighter. Fuck sake, come on Riley the one time I need something from you.

"Riley, mama needs that key please Dove. If you give me the key mama will give you extra cuddles" He looks tempted but he likes the key more because he is determined to keep it. He shakes his head no and makes a run for it up the stairs.

I follow him at a much slower pace, by the time I made it upstairs he has run back past me and downstairs again, little speed demon... When I get downstairs I see Riley pushed to the floor, there is a person in the doorway holding the Key in hand.

"Hello Emily" The voice is Thick and laced with malice. I charge towards. Them and snatch the key you their hand. "Well how rude"

"It was meant to be, leave" I snap back. Russo walks downstairs but stops at the bottom step...

"What's happened to you Russo, you look like a pussy. So much has changed.... Not for the better" I'm starting to get really pissed off...

"Get the fuck out my house and you stay far as fuck away from us" I practically spit in their face as I speak.

"Now now Emily, is that anyway to speak to your mother?" she asks.

"You are not my mother... You are nothing to me after what you did to Riley and how you used Russo." I make myself clear. Riley has gotten up and gripped onto my clothes for support.

"I barely even did anything, like you to be overdramatic, I would never hurt my darling boy... I have actually come here for them. You look stressed so let me take them off your hands" she says reaching out to Riley. I slap her hand away firmly.

"Rot in hell" I respond folding my arms together. "Russo, Riley. Go upstairs please. Go in mama's Office with Leah and do not come out until mama comes to get you" both of them do as their told immediately. Damon comes downstairs and stands by my side in the doorway.

"Sorry but if you want to lay hands on any of those babies you have two people to get through first" Damon says with a sigh. I could tell my mother wasn't afraid of a little blood being shed. She wanted Riley and Russo to be her's but I wasn't going to let her take them from me...

Nobody takes my babies from me...

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