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*Emily POV*

He was 5"10 taller than I thought but his meek figure made him lighter than I thought he would be. Adorable, he had rested into my neck and was falling asleep. His poor red, puffy eyes fighting to stay awake as I hold him.

This was all so much sooner than I had expected but was I complaining, no not at all. I carry him out the station and set him down in my car passenger seat, noticing the wet around his crotch and making a mental note to clean him up when I got home.

Driving home he is fully quiet, I start to think on what to say... Too early to get him to call me mommy or anything. I don't even know the first thing about him.

"So, Riley right?" I say under my breath. He doesn't move..

"Y-yeah, Emily... Is that right" He says back, I'm just glad he responded. I smile and tuck a few loose strands of hair behind my ear.

"Yeah, your gonna be living with me from now on which might be nice and I hope its better than living with your brother" I say trying not to scare him. He just smiles weakly and looks down. 'What did he do to you, you poor boy' I can't help but think as he stares out the window, sighing heavily.

I park the car outside my house and I can see him look up at it with wide eyes. Hesitantly he let's me pick him up and carry him inside. Leah was the first to greet me, in pink fluffy jammies with white hearts all over.

"Auntie Emi, is that your new baby. He doesn't look like a baby. Can he play" Leah says as she looks up at me with wide eyes.

"Isn't it someone's bed time?" I ask her and she giggles softly, putting a finger to her lips and shushing me. Leah yelps as she is picked up by Charlie from behind.

"I think Auntie Emi is right, I believe it is someone's bedtime" Charlie says earning a groan from Leah and a chuckle from me. Leah says goodnight and is carried to bed, I take Riley up to the bathroom next door to his nursery. I set him down and he doesn't look at me.

"Riley, can I get you all cleaned up." I ask softly and he holds his own hand in front of him and continues to look down. After a few moments he nods slowly and I turn on the bath. As the bath runs I start to take off his shoes and clothes. He covers his face as I pull down his pants and his shirt but I just chuckled.

"You can get in now" I say as I move his wet clothes to the side on the floor. He slowly gets in the bath and I can see him gently playing with the bath bubbles out the corner of my eye. But when I look at him he stops, clearly embarrassed.

"Do you need some help getting dressed" I ask him as I pick up his wet clothes and some others.

"No, im not a child I can it myself" He huffs, which isn't the response I had hoped for but I accepted it and left to put things on a wash. As I came back upstairs I saw him still in the bathroom sat down crying to himself. I kneel down and gently cup his face, tilting it up.

"What's wrong" I say softly as his puffy glassy eyes look into mine.

"I-I don't want to be a little. I don't even know you. I'm a fucking adult and I should be treated like on not like a baby... A fucking useless baby" He sobs, my heart breaks a little that he thinks that.

"I know you don't know me but you are not a useless baby, it takes time. Give it a month or two and if you really hate it then you don't need to do this anymore and you can get retested. But until then this is your home and we are your family" I say softly to him and his tears reduce to sniffles.

"H-home" he repeats under his breath which makes me chuckle. I have 2 months to change his mind...

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