It's classification day for Riley. he is finally 18 but when he gets his results things turn for the worst quickly when he has to stay with his brother until he gets assigned a Caregiver.
Emily is 20 and has been a Mommy without a little for 2 year...
Having Russo with us in the house was going to be... Interesting, but the two of them seem to be getting along so I have eased up on Russo. One toe out of line though and that boys ass is done for.
I'm currently getting ready for work and the boys are wearing similar outfits because Riley wanted to match.
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. One in green and one in blue. I thought Russo would look better in green because Riley's favourite colour is blue. I put on a gray pantsuit and grab some papers on dads desk that I need before coming down stairs to see the boys waiting for me.
"Mommy are we going nowwww" Riley whines.
"Yes dove just wait five more seconds. You haven't even gotten your shoes on yet. Can you boys get your shoes on for mommy please?" I say as I rush round trying to get all my things. When I have finally grabbed everything I need, I grab two fruit squeezes and three breakfast bars.
"Mommy look" Riley says proudly as he shows me his done up Velcro trainers.
"Wow such a smart baby I have" I praise him as I slip on my heels. I notice Russo trying to put on his shoes but failing, grunting in frustration. "If you need help Russo you know what you have to say" I remind him, he slowly looks up at me...
"Help please" Russo murmers, I crouch down and help him with his shoes. "Thanks" He smiles softly. We have to talk the car to my work now because it's further from dads house compared to mine.
I had a spare car seat that will have to do until I buy one specifically for Russo. I help Russo in first as I can't take my eyes off him for even a second or god knows. If word got out I would lose Riley, my job, everything but I'm willing to take that risk. I close the car door and help Riley in the other side. I stop by my house to grab a few papers I was missing.
"I'll be two minutes, don't move and don't bicker" I say very clearly before getting out the car. When I get back my neighbor is opening the car door for Russo and he is crying... Fuck sake.
"Morning Marium, what's wrong?" I ask her, the old hag...
"Well I had this poor little one saying he is lost. And that he wasn't supposed to be here. I just cake to see what was going on is all" She explains, Marium is a lady around 40 years old with a little of her own who is real piece of work...
"This is my new little, I have two now and he is adjusting still." I explain and she smiles. I pick the fake crying Russo and put him back in the car. He starts to scream bloody murder as I try to steal him in, thrashing about wildly. I pop him twice on the thigh and he stops. "You are in a lot of trouble little boy" I whisper to him before closing the car door and turning back to my nosy neighbor.
"As long as he is alright because there seemed to be a scene outside your house a few days ago..." That's her being nosy again, sticking her bloody nose in my business.
"Ah that, prank gone too far. I tell you the kids now a days with their horrible pranks" I lie fake laughing it off. She seems to believe me as she complains about kids too. I get in the car, slamming the door slightly as I get in.
"Mommy, we aren't in trouble are we" Riley asks me softly.
"Baby, your not in trouble but your brother definitely is. When we get to my office your ass is done for Russo, do you hear me." I say pulling out of the driveway and driving the rest of the way to work. I let Riley walk in on his own and Russo is made to hold my hand.
"Morning cutie pie, how are you today" Stacy greets Riley giving him a cookie. Riley smiles and takes it.
"Thank you for the cookie. morning auntie Stacy, I'm okay thanks." Riley responds before eating the cookie.
"Is the other little monster allowed a cookie Em or have has been bad this morning" Stacy asks me. Russo is trying to act like he doesn't want the cookie but I know he does...
"I'll take the cookie and if he behaves he can have it later" I say deliberately loud enough for him to hear. He tries not to act too excited but I could see a small smile. After I sign in I take both the boys up to my office. It's not normal allowed to have littles in such a building as we hold a lot of confidential information but it's not like anyone really cares.
"Julius take Riley please for a few minutes I need to deal with this little one" I nudge Riley towards Julius, my assistant. Riley seems hesitant at first but as soon as Julius pulls up paw patrol on his laptop Riley has no problem getting comfortable in his seat.
I have to basically drag Russo into my office. Locking the door so I'm not disturbed.
"What do you think you were going to gain from pulling off that little stunt?" I ask him as I go to sit down in my chair. He stands nervously in front of my desk.
"Get far as fuck away from you" He responds clearly slightly nervous but he doesn't want to show it.
"And then what, without me what do you have... Even when you were in my basement you had a roof over your head" I state. He doesn't have much to say to that... "So when I'm out the picture then what. Do you have a job? House? Food? Nice clothes? Warm bed? Three meals a day without fail? A family? DO YOU HAVE ANY OF THOSE RUSSO, DO YOU?!"
He looks down at his feet. He bursts into tears, crumbling to his feet and crying loudly. I sigh, picking him up and rubbing his back gently, he tries to push me away but I just hold him tighter until he eventually gets tired and settles into my neck. His breathing is ragged and shakey but he eventually passes out and his shakey breaths are replaced with soft snores. I unlock the door and Riley hugs my leg. I spend the day working with Russo asleep on my chest. Riley colouring at my feet and a thousand emails to catch up on...