Her clumsiness

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Chapter 5

Food was served and everyone started eating

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Food was served and everyone started eating.

As soon as I kept a bite of parata in my mouth, a familiar taste hit my taste buds.

I looked at Suryansh and Aadharsh and they looked back at me.

I understood it was them who made these dishes.

"Wow beta, the food is so good. It tastes exactly like Aadrik's cooking" Mom said.

Of course it would, we all learnt cooking together when we were all studying abroad.

She gave an awkward smile and looked back at her plate.

"Of course it would, I was the one who taught her how to cook" I said covering up for her.

She instantly looked at me with amusement in her eyes.

I smiled seeing her expression.

We both made eye contact which neither of us was willing to break anytime soon.

Chaitra and Rishi started hooting again.

"Looks like I need to block someone's cards" I said continuing to eat and received a glare from her.

"I have Dad and my card too" Chaitra said and gave a smile to Dad.

The person Dad loves the most in the world after Mom is Chaitra.

He even gave up his underworld business when Chaitra was born.

He said it was a position with immense power that is equally compensated with dangers.

He was scared that something might happen to his baby princess so he gave up everything and started his company.

He used to always tell me how vividly he remembered the day she was born every time we drank together, how small her fingers were and how she stopped crying as soon he picked her up in his arms.

Chaitra was raised very protected.

Dad was always with her.

In school, it was always me or Aadharsh protecting her until we had to go to boarding school and later abroad for further studies.

Maybe that was our mistake, not teaching her how cruel the world could be.

Our world turned upside down when we found out what she went through on one of those rare days when none of us were with her.

She came back from her farewell school trip, directly entered her room and locked herself without even greeting me when we met finally after one year.

Everyone thought she might be tired and we let her be.

It was dinner time and there was still no response from her side even after knocking on her door multiple times.

Dad started panicking and he broke her room door, we all entered and found her in a devastating state.

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