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Chapter 23

I called all three of them today

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I called all three of them today. I wanted to apologise to Rishi. I don't think he will forgive me but at least his anger might reduce.

What I did was wrong I guess. If he did it to my wife I probably would have an even worse reaction.

"I am sorry" I said looking everywhere except him.

"Don't you ever go anywhere near my wife again?" Rishi said in a stern voice.

Rishi was always carefree and jovial. We knew if he used a stern tone, he was dead serious.

The air around him was tense today.

I nodded.

"Now let it go" Aadharsh intervened.

"I am getting married" Suryansh threw a bomb.

"Why?" Aadharsh asked.

Suryansh was the most money hungry and business minded among us. All he ever thinks of is money and the rest is all a waste of time for him.

"The first one to give heir will be the next chairman. It is my grandfather's condition." He said.

That explains it. He and his stepbrother have been fighting for the same position for years. Though he has his own companies, he still wants more. He is the greediest man I have ever seen. But he was a greedy man with morals.

"Who are you marrying?" I asked.

"Rumika Yadhav" he replied.

Rumika Yadhav, daughter of Daksh Yadhav. He is the only one who can compete with Suryansh's greediness. Though he is no competition to his wealth.

"When?" I asked.

"Next week, we are having a court marriage and not a traditional one. She refused to marry me with traditions" he said with a hint of frustration in his voice.

Interesting. Let's see where this girl will lead my friend.

After a while of chatting, everyone decided to leave. Rishi was still angry at me.

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