First fight

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Chapter 11

Last night I received a call from Aditya

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Last night I received a call from Aditya.

~Abhay and Aditya on a call~

(Ab- Abhay;  Ad- Aditya)

Ad- Hello sir, Chaitra mam is innocent I think.

Ab- what? (He shouted)

Ad- Yes sir, I found the guy's classmate. The guy liked Chaitra mam and not Samaira mam. But other rumours were circulating in the school.

Ab- What kind of rumours?

Ad- he even proposed to her but got public rejection but later it was spread as he publically rejected Chaitra mam for Samaira mam.

Ab- What?

Ad- There is no reason for Chaitra mam to be jealous of Samaira mam and abuse her. So there is some kind of misunderstanding here.

Ab- Thank god! (Abhay sighs) What about the gap year she took?

Ad- No information about it sir. It's like she didn't exist that one year. She completely disappeared.

Ab- Okay, good job. Once you find out everything, you can take a long vacation.

Ad- Thank you, sir!
(Finally that workaholic gave me a vacation)

~~end of the call~~

Thank god! I knew my Tara was innocent. My love is innocent.

But why did Samaira think she was the culprit?

If it's not Chaitra, then who is responsible for those wounds on her hand? Only Samaira can give me better clarity now.

"Samaira Khurrana, you better be in India by tomorrow. Don't you give me another excuse to escape from coming here" I ended the call.

She left India after her twelfth and never came back. She didn't even tell me her house address in London for me to visit. Every time I ask her to come back, she gives me one or the other stupid excuses of hers.

Chaitra entered the room and was laughing uncontrollably.

"What's so funny?" I asked smiling automatically looking at her smile.

"Srishti's jokes are just so funny" she replied still laughing.

She definitely is funny. But I must admit I did wrong Srishti in childhood. I should have taken better care of her.

Samaira lost her mother in childbirth and her father very young. Samaria's father was our uncle. On his deathbed, I promised him to take care of her.

When Srishti was born, we lost everything. I was five back then. We had no house and no proper food to eat.

After two days of her birth, my mother came back home from the hospital. They used to leave Sriahti in my old cradle which looked as if it could break anytime.

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