In her support

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Chapter 21

I entered the cafe and saw him sitting there with Amulya

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I entered the cafe and saw him sitting there with Amulya.

"How are you Chaitra? I am sorry for what you went through, I should have told you the truth sooner" Amulya said in a very fake tone.

"Get to the point," I said.

"It was Samaira who wrote you the letter," Amulya said.

"Why should I believe you?" I asked. One thing my father always told me was never trust people's words easily.

"Give me the letter" Shourya said and I handed it to him. He took out some paper from his pocket and placed it on the table.

"You see this, the handwriting in the letter is matching the handwriting on this paper. The handwriting on this paper is Samaria's" he explained.

"How did you even suspect her?"

I won't believe it until I am completely convinced.

"I saw her putting the letter in your bag on the trip," Amulya said.

"How do you know I was hit?"

The letter part is understandable but how did they know I was hit?

My father made sure no one knew about it.

They both looked at each other.

"That, I cut my hand by mistake so I went to the hospital. I found your entire family there. I wanted to greet them but overheard their conversation with the doctor" he said.

I nodded and left from there.

I didn't feel anything. Neither did I want to cry nor get angry. It just felt numb.

I need to confront Samaira before I take any action. But if it's Samaira, I swear to god, I will show no lenience even for Abhay's sake.

I will punish her the same way I imagined punishing my abuser every single day after that incident.

But my one doubt is still not clarified. The voice I heard was of a guy and not a girl. If Samira wrote me the letter, then who was her accomplice?

I took another look at the letter and that horrible day played in my mind.


I was having fun with my classmates on the trip. We were all enjoying a lot. It was my first time going somewhere without an unnecessary person tagging along with me.

It was the last day of the trip. Everyone left to rooms after dinner.

The hotel we stayed in was an old palace. It was very huge and was no different from a maze.

We reached our room but my roommate wasn't there, most of the students decided to sneak out as we were leaving for our homes the next morning. They invited me but I refused.

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