Chapter 36

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Kylie's POV

On Saturday, I was woken up by the notification sound that my phone made. I totally forgot to put my phone on 'do not disturb' last night when I got home. I was intoxicated as hell that I went straight to my room and slept. Sleep did not even take that long to overcome me.

I heard a faint knock on the door, I told the person to come in. I was struggling to lift my head from the pillow, it was so heavy.

Kimberly came into view and gave me the mixture that I normally make for my hangover. She was the one that taught me how to make it. My sister used to be a party animal when she was in college and high school, all that changed when she met Jerry when she was doing her final year in college. Not that she stopped partying completely, she just did it less.

Then when she fell pregnant with Bree, she stopped partying all together. She said that it was part of maturing. I disagree though, parties are life.

"Hi, how are you doing?"

"I want to die right now, this headache is killing me." I responded. She gave me the glass that she was holding and even though it was a mission, I finally sat up and started downing the bitter beverage.

"Thanks." I told her. "Were you able to cover for me?"

"Yes, I told mom that you were spending the night at Elle's house." My parents normally let me party but for some reason, my mom refused for me to go to Emma's party last night. She did not even want to give me the real reason why she had refused. If Kimberly wasn't home, I wouldn't have gone to that party and I wouldn't have had so much fun with Henry. So I should really thank Kimberly for visiting.

"Thanks for that."

"Anytime. I could not let you miss the party of the year." She smiled.

"Are mom and dad still sleeping?"

"No, they went to the mall. So tell me, how was the party?" She gushed.

"It was awesome. I had so much fun."

"Who is he?"

"What do you mean who is he?"

"You are blushing, so there has to be a boy involved. I want to know all the details."

"Okay okay. Ugh! Why did you have to know me so well. So Tim showed up as I was minding my own business, it pissed me off so I went upstairs. Then found Henry in one of the room then chilled with him."

"He's the boy?"

"Let me finish Kim."

"Okay, my apologies."

"So as we were talking, I started flirting with him."

"Isn't he like your friend."

"So? Then we kissed, oh my gosh, I have never been kissed that good in my entire life." I rolled my eyes in affection.

"So you guys just kissed?"

"Yes. He was kissing me, touching me, it felt so damn good. I hope that wasn't the last of it. His phone rang when things were about to escalate, then he had to go home."

"Bummer! I'm glad you had fun though."

"So much fun."

"Anyway, let me go bath Bree, we'll talk later." She said as she left the room. I stood up and went to wash the glass that I was drinking from, then I went to shower. The hangover was a lot better then.

After showering, and reminiscing in the shower for like twenty minutes, I went back to get dressed. My phone had two texts from Henry.

Henry: hey Kylie.

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