Chapter 9

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My mother knocked on my door. I knew it was time for me to shower but I was so not feeling myself that day. My body did not want to leave the sheets and I highly supported it. She pounded her fists against the door and I shouted, "I'm up!" I dragged my lazy ass off the bed, got into my sleepers, took off my pyjamas and wore my bathrobe and headed to the shower where the water woke me up.

When I was done, I dried myself and brushed my teeth. I did all that in a very slow pace. And since it was a little chilly that day, I wore my black jeans with an oversized sweater and Vans for the shoes.

I checked the time, shoot! It was seven thirty, I was running late. I hadn't even had breakfast yet. But surprisingly, Kylie hadn't hooted yet. She was never late. She always hooted at quarter past seven.

I waited for a few minutes and had breakfast, having the thought that she was running late.

It was already seven forty and she had not showed up. What the heck Kylie, school started at seven fifty.

My mom had already left for work, and so had dad so I went into my mom's room and from her emergency money, I took a few bucks for an Uber. I couldn't believe that Kylie would do that to me. That was going too far. She did not even communicate anything.

The Uber arrived after five minutes. I had about five minutes to get to school. I told him to hurry and he did. I thought he was going to give me trouble. This other one told me that if he sped, he would have to charge me more. Imagine!

It was five past eight when I got to school. I rushed to my locker to get my books and that was when Mr. Benjamin gave me a demerit for being in the halls during class time without a hall pass. You have got to be kidding me. I had detention for two days, both after school. The fact that it was not my fault pissed me off. I took the small paper and shoved it in my bag and headed to Mr Tanicho's class. I was hoping that he would not throw a fit for my late coming.

"Morning sir." I said when I got in.

"Is this the time to get to school Monroe?"

"No sir, I apologize. I had..." I paused and gazed at Kylie before saying, "transport problems sir." I saw her mouthing, "fuck." And I just rolled my eyes.

It was as if she forgot and she just remembered at that moment, why would she forget me? She had been picking me up ever since Sophomore year, we were seniors for goodmotherfucking sake. She had been picking me up for two and a half years.

"No explanation, you have detention, during break time." He said and I went on to take a seat in defeat. I guess I went in and out of the detention room a lot those days. I must say, I was a little embarrassed and disappointed in myself.

I went to sit next to Henry, who told me to cheer up.

"I was surprised to see Kylie alone today, I thought you were sick or something."

"I thought so too." I said and I knew that my statement confused Henry. I was not expecting to see Kylie at school that day, I thought maybe she was sick and that was why she could not pick me up. I guess I thought wrong, maybe Kylie did forget about me.

During the lesson, she kept eyeing me and I would give her a death glare in return, showing her that I was hella mad at her.

When the bell for lunch rang, I made my way to the detention room. On the bright side, Mr Tanicho saved me from having to spend lunch with Kylie. I got in and sat down. I saw the usuals and to my surprise, there was somebody new.

"Hi Elle." She greeted.

"You keep surprising me. What are you in here for Janine?"

"Eating gum in class."

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