Chapter 40

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"Is the popcorn ready?" Maddison asked as she went to place the other snacks in the living room.

"Almost, where's the sour cream spice?"

"I gave it to you." She said.

I found it after a few minutes of looking for it. I sprinkled the spice on the popcorn then went to place it in the living room with the other snacks.

"Do you think we should watch a horror movie?" She asked.

"Definitely, it could be fun."

"What else do we need?"

"Uh, Henry is bringing the alcohol so I think that's all."


A few minutes later, Henry and Kylie came in and they were followed by Spencer and Heather. The gang sat down and Spencer started eating the snacks already.

"Hi guys, this is Maddison, Maddison this is Heather and Spencer from school."

"Nice to meet you." Maddison said and they said it back.

"Henry, did you bring the stuff?"

"You know I never disappoint." He said, giving me the bag that was filled with ciders and vodka. And since I had been going through some shit lately, I think I needed some alcohol to like... feel numb for a couple of hours and just forget, you know, get drowned in the feeling of stupor and just stay there for a few hours. Of course I'd complain about the headache in the morning but hey, YOLO!

I took the bottles out of the bag and went to place them in the kitchen for later. I got tempted and opened the bottle of vodka and took a large swig and let it hit the system. The strong liquid burnt my throat and caused me to shut my eyes, as though I hadn't anticipated that effect. I then closed the vodka then went to join the squad in the living room.

They had already chosen a movie to watch and I sat next to Spencer who was sitting next to Henry, and Henry was sitting next to... you guessed it, Kylie. They were not doing anything that sent me to the pits, but the fact that their clothes were even in contact just drove me fucking insane. I think I needed that vodka again.

Henry's scent hit me from where I was sitting and if it's not the alcohol that was intoxicating me, it was definitely the scent that Henry gave off. It even masked Spencer's scent, it was that strong or maybe my nostrils had preferences in terms of what they smelt.

Heather ran to the bathroom to throw up after seeing a dagger going through a woman's neck, separating her head from her body, making her blood spill all over the place. Chicken! That's not even scary.

"I'm just going to mix the drinks and surf through twitter until you guys finish watching that movie." She said.

I kept looking over at the gorgeous Henry, part of his hair was on his face, I wanted to use my thumb to remove it so that I would be able to see his alluring eyes. I felt myself swallow hard when I saw Kylie doing just that. Damnit!

I tried by all might to focus on the movie but I was failing miserably.

A few minutes later, I heard the doorbell, Kylie immediately stood up to go open. She did so with so much enthusiasm, she must've been expecting whoever was at the door. To be honest, it was such a relief seeing her move away from Henry. In my defense, I was not being an evil friend because technically Kylie did not like Henry, she was just having fun. How I felt would be considered evil if she was really into him and I was not supportive whatsoever.

"Hey Elle, look who's here." Kylie said and my eyes widened when I saw the person next to her. Owen-fucking-Kreifle. I loved my best friend but what the fuck?

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