Chapter 33

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I was eating my cereal when Kylie texted me that she was outside. I had not even finished but I still stormed out of the house. I jumped into her car and greeted her.


"Hi, how are you?"

"I'm great." I said with a smile. My parents were good, Maddison had visited, I was in the best mood ever.

"What about you?" I asked her.

"I'm well too."

"Maddison and her mom came yesterday."

"Really, that's awesome." She said. "You should bring her to the party tonight."

"I am not going to that party Kylie, but you can come fetch her to go with you."

"Oh well, I'll ask her if she's interested then. You will always be a party pooper."

"Of course." I said with pride. For the first time ever, she was not able to manipulate me into going to a party with her.

She parked at her usual spot and we got out of the car. I felt like bunking Geography that day, it was the first period.

I grabbed my books from my locker but instead of going to class, I went to the library.

Of course, Janine Nelson was there. Was this child ever in class? And why did she love the library so much?

"You should just live here."

"Where?" She asked.

"The library, you are always here. Why are you here this time around?"

"I have to hand in my Geography assignment today and I'm not quite done so, I'm researching the last bit. Why are you here?"

"Well, I am bunking Geography." I said and she smiled.

"'s it going?"

"I haven't started on my Literature project. Kylie and I are good, what else do you want to know?" I took the bottle of juice I had in my bag and started drinking it.

"Hm! So same old, same old. How's your relationship with Henry going?" I spit out the juice onto the floor and the librarian gave me a death glare. She then told me that food isn't allowed. I gave her an apologetic look before gazing at Janine with furrowed eyebrows.

"What does that mean?"

"Aren't you guys dating?"

"No, absolutely not."

"Sorry, my bad. I just always see you guys together and playful and I guess I had my own assumptions."

"He's just my best friend." I said.

"But seriously, you want to tell me that you're that oblivious. You like him and he likes you just as much."

First it was Henry's mom, then my mother, then Maddison, now it's Janine? I didn't like Henry, not that way at least. I would keep saying this, I had platonic feelings for the guy. I just didn't see us together.

Henry was just that good friend of mine. He would stick up for me in front of others, even when I was wrong. He was always honest with me and I liked that. I listened to him because he always listened to me. We were friends no matter what. 

And in times of trouble, he was there for me, he was always my shoulder to cry on. I did not see him as nothing more than a friend.

"No, I love him as a friend, you are delusional."

"Oh my word! I didn't think things were that bad. Dude, you like Henry and a lot for that matter. I can just see it, look at you, your eyes sparkle at the mention of his name."

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