Chapter 6

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I heard Kylie's car hoot and I rushed downstairs. I hoped that one of the teachers would be absent. I wasn't really feeling school. I wasn't feeling breakfast as well so I decided to skip it.

"Bye mom." I said when I saw her in the kitchen. I grabbed an apple, washed it and kissed her cheek.

"Hi dude." I said as I got into the car.

"Hey, where did you disappear to on Friday?"

"Really? No 'hi Elle, how are you? How was your weekend? Are you well?"

"Yea are you well? You weren't answering my calls the whole weekend and you didn't like none of my posts on twitter or Instagram. Even Tumblr."

"My mother took my phone away." I told her.

Yea she did. Not because I snuck out on Friday, well, that was part of the reason and another one was that I did not do my chores on Saturday. So, no cell phone for the next two weeks. I was so doomed. What else was I supposed to do without my phone and T.V. She even confiscated my laptop. So much cruelty.

"What? What did you do Elle?"

"Me? You forced me to go to that party on Friday."

"What happened?"

"Well,  I decided to go get burgers and Mr Landforth bumped into me then told my mom blah blah blah." I rolled my eyes, lazy to explain the whole story.

"Damn! See, you shouldn't have left me. Since when do you disappear on me?" Since Henry came back into my life.

I hadn't told Kylie that I knew Henry and that he was my long-lost best friend. I had no specific reason as to why I hadn't told her. I promised myself that I would, without making her feel replaced in any way. I was just glad that she didn't ask me who I went to get burgers with since I didn't have a car.

"At least you still have your emergency phone." I bought a smaller phone a year ago because my mother had taken my phone for a month and I just couldn't cope without receiving at least calls and texts. My mother didn't know I had it. I hid it and only used it during such times.

"Yea." I said.

She parked her car in her usual spot and we got out. We went straight to our lockers to get our books before heading to the library to copy each other's homework. When we were done, we headed to Literature. Kylie told me that she would be sitting with Tim, as if that was a surprise.

I sat at the back corner like usual and listened to Miss Martha yap about Shakespeare and his lousy Romeo and Juliet play. I strongly believed in love and hadn't fallen for anyone as yet, but what Romeo and Juliet were doing was true stupidity and I won't argue with anybody about that. If that's what true love came with, count me out. They were haste and foolish, they also never thought things through.

"Romeo and Juliet were deeply in love." Miss Martha said.

"Bullshit." I said under my breath and luckily, nobody heard me.

Martha told us that we would have a project on the play. We had to write our own love story and we would be paired up to research about it and put our literature skills to use. I did not understand what the pairing was for but I guessed that it would make the marking easier.

"Make me fall in love with your story," she said. "Make me feel the connection between your two main characters," she added.

"Tim, you are with Cargo." Lucky them, they would get to write about their love story because they were so in love and had been together for almost a year.

"Emma, you are with Cameron." She went on with pairing the class up and because there was seventeen of us in the class, I did not have a partner. Good, I'd get to work alone. I honestly preferred it that way.

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